welcome and enjoy your stay  
Czech Tippler Club


Our Club members may chose from two separate groups (Group "MK" and Group "MM") to compete in.

Participants in group "MK" (club championship) compete strictly per the NTU rules; one exception: we do not set our watches to the BBC time :-)

Participants in group "MM" (small championship) compete per the I.T.F. or the NTU rules.
This means, among others, the participants may chose the fly day from the fly weekend schedule and can also fly the honor system.
To promote flying, participation on both days of the weekend is allowed in this group.

Group "MK" - July 20, 2024

Group "MK" - July 20 and/or 21, 2024

DQ notes:
Fly weekend notes:

members at the 2024 spring AGM

left to right: (guest) Eliška Ederová, Tomáš Eder, Ivan Boičev, Roman Čermák, Míla Kvočka, Antonín Novák, Frank Otta

spring 2024 AGM


MK MM liberation time oficial dark time
27. April 27. - 28. April 06:30 20:46
25. May 25. - 26. May 05:00 21:32
22. June 22. - 23. June 04:00 21:55
MK MM liberation time official dark time
6. July 6. - 7. July 04:30 21:51
27. July 27. - 28. July 05:00 21.26
24. August 24. - 25. August 05:45 20:31
7. September 7. - 8. September 06:30 20:00

group MK: competitors in this group fly to the NTU rules, no exceptions
group MM: competitors in this group may fly both days of the weekend, to the ITF or NTU rules

members at the 2023 spring AGM

standing - left to right: Petr Kubíček, Roman Čermák, Jakub Goppold, JIndřich Mikulecký, Antonín Novák, Ladislav Chládek, Pavel Fendrich, Tomáš Eder, (guest) Eliška Ederová
sitting - left to right: Jiří Pastyřík, František Sedlář, Frank Otta, and (guest) Zuzana Kyšeľová

členská 2023

winter tippler training over snow (December 11, 2012)

red baron

The tippler sport is for those who enjoy thoroughbred animals competitions.

The results with competition tipplers come fast. After purchasing two or three breeding pairs, you can start competing with their youngsters in just a few weeks - as opposed, for instance, to racing horses in which case you must wait for many long years...

Keeping and flying tipplers is, after the initial investment into a few good breeding pairs, an inexpensive sport. To keep tipplers you need only a small loft because the number of pigeons you need to compete with is low - in most cases, the competition kit consists of 3 to 5 birds.

The flying tipplers sport eliminates many worries and expenses. For instance, purchasing the expensive clocking equipment that the homer fliers need, you do not pay any transport charges to train and race your birds (tipplers fly over your house as opposed to the racers who fly straight lines home), no need to pay any competition enrollment charges in our club, no veterinary bills to assist at births - just once a year vaccination will most likely be your only veterinary cost. No worries about you birds contracting a disease during basketing and transport to a distant place of liberation, no stress to your tipplers during the transport.

There are not many of us tippler fliers in this country - the flying tippler sport still remains a real sport. Wouldn't flying tipplers be the right hobby for you too? You will always be welcome aboard the KCHT!

Frank Otta - KCHT president

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