fly results  
Czech Tippler Club



if interested to see the results of the past seasons, please, click on the year below

2006,   2007,   2008,   2009,   2010,   2011,   2012,   2013,   2014,   2015,  2016,  2017,  2018,  2019,  2020,  2021,  2022,  2023

Our Club members may chose from two separate groups (Group "MK" and Group "MM") to compete in.

Participants in group "MK" (club championship) compete strictly per the NTU rules;
one exception: we do not set our watches to the BBC time :-)

Participants in group "MM" (small championship) compete per the I.T.F. or the NTU rules.
This means, among others, the participants may chose the fly day from the fly weekend schedule and can also fly the honor system.
To promote flying, participation on both days of the weekend is allowed in this group.


Group "MK" - July 20, 2024

Group "MK" - July 20 and/or 21, 2024

DQ notes:
Fly weekend notes:

Group "MK" - July 6, 2024

Group "MK" - July 6 and/or 7, 2024

DQ notes:
Fly weekend notes:

Group "MK" - June 22, 2024 - LONG DAY

gROUP "MM" - June 22 and/or 23, 2024
- František Sedlář (Sunday 23.6.) DQ 3.0
24-KCHT-3170; 24-KCHT-3171; 24-KCHT-3175
DQ notes:
František Sedlář (Sunday 23.6.) - young birds paticipated in old birds competition
Fly weekend notes:
Sunday morning temperatures 15 to 16°C, clear sky

Group "MK" - May 25, 2024
1. Pavel Fendrich 6.24 4.2
23-KCHT-3393; -3394; -3397; -3402; -3404; -3409
2. Jindřich Mikulecký 5.44 3.0
23-KCHT-3318; -3319; -3323

Group "MM" - May 25 and/or 26, 2024
1. František Sedlář (Sunday 26.5.) 5.30 2.2
23-KCHT-3161; -3170; -3171; -3177
2. František Sedlář (Saturday 25.5.) 3.30 1.3
23-KCHT-3162; -3165; -3176; -3179
- Roman Čermák (Saturday 25.5.) DQ 3.2
21-KCHT-1058; -1059; 22-KCHT-2356; - 2375; 23-KCHT-3275
- Roman Čermák (Sunday 26.5.) DQ -
DQ notes:
Roman Čermák (Saturday 25.5.) - first 120 minutes rule after multiple hawk strikes
Roman Čermák (Sunday 26.5.) - kit not liberated
Fly weekend notes:
temperatures between 12 and 21°C, partly cloudy to cloudy, local showers

Group "MK" - April 27, 2024
1. Pavel Fendrich 8.26 5.2
23-KCHT-3391; -3393; -3394; -3402; -3404; -3409
2. Jindřich Mikulecký DQ 3.0
23-KCHT-3318; -3319; -3323

Group "MM" - April 27 and/or 28, 2024
DQ notes:
Jindřich Mikulecký (Saturday 27.4.) - alteration to time not signed - enumerative DQ per Annex 4 of the Rules
Fly weekend notes:
Saturday temperatures between 10 and 21°C, clear sky


old birds - Group "MK"

place name 24.4. celkem
  NO ENTRIES        

old birds - Group "MM"
place name 24. + 25.4. 27.+ 28.5.17.+ 18.6. aggregate
1. Pavel Fendrich 0 + 0 10.12 + 0 0 + 0 10 hours 12 minutes
2. Tomáš Eder 0 + 0 5.50 + 0 0 + 0 5 hours 50 minutes

young birds - Group "MK"
place name 1.7. 2.9.aggregate
 NO ENTRIES        

young birds - Group "MM"
place name 1.+ 2.7. 22.+ 23.7.19.+ 20.8. 2.+ 3.9.aggregate
1.Roman Čermák0 + 0 0 + 0 4.42 + 1.254.30 + DQ 10 hours 37 minutes
2.Pavel Fendrich0 + 0 0 + 0 0 + 00 + 6.37 6 hours 37 minutes
3.Jindřich Mikulecký0 + 0 0 + 0 0 + 00 + 6.31 6 hours 31 minutes
4.Tomáš Eder0 + 0 0 + 0 0 + 00 + 4.28 4 hours 28 minutes

Group "MM" aggregate time cup award
place nameaggregate
1.Pavel Fendrich 16 hours 49 minutes
2.Roman Čermák10 hours 37 minutes
3.Tomáš Eder 10 hours 18 minutes
4.Jindřich Mikulecký 6 hours 31 minutes


Group "MK" - September 2, 2023

Group "MM" - September 2 and/or 3, 2023
1. Pavel Fendrich (Saturday 2.9.) 6.37 9 y/b
23-KCHT-3391; -3394; -3395; -3398; -3400; -3403; -3404; -3405; - 3406
2. Jindřich Mikulecký (Saturday 2.9.) 6.31 11 y/b
23-KCHT-3301; -3306; -3307; -3310; -3311; -3317; -3318; -3319; -3321; -3323; -3326
3. Roman Čermák (Saturday 2.9.) 4.50 5 y/b
23-KCHT-3262; -3264; - 3266; -3267; -3271
4. Tomáš Eder (Sunday 3.9.) 4.28 5 y/b
23-KCHT-3101; - 3103; - 3104; -3105; -3106
- Roman Čermák (Sunday 3.9.) DQ 5 y/b
23-KCHT-3263; -3270; - 3272; -3274; -3275
DQ notes:
Roman Čermák (Sunday 3.9.) - kit not liberated due to heavy morning fog
Fly weekend notes:
clear to cloudy per locality, temperatures between 14 and 25° C

Group "MK" - August 19, 2023

Group "MM" - August 19 and/or 20, 2023
1. Roman Čermák (Saturday 19.8.) 4.42 4 y/b
23-KCHT-3262; -3264; -3269; -3271
2. Roman Čermák (Sunday 20.8.) 1.25 5 y/b
23-KCHT-3263; -3266; -3270; -3272; -3278
DQ notes:
Fly weekend notes:
clear sky, temperatures between 18 and 34° C

Group "MK" - July 22, 2023

Group "MM" - July 22 and/or 23, 2023
DQ notes:
Fly weekend notes:

Group "MK" - July 1, 2023

Group "MM" - July 1 and/or 2, 2023
DQ notes:
Fly weekend notes:

Group "MK" - June 17, 2023

Group "MK" - June 17 and/or 18, 2023
DQ notes:
Fly weekend notes:

Group "MK" - May 27, 2023

Group "MM" - May 27 and/or 28, 2023
1. Pavel Fendrich (Saturday 27.5.) 10.12 4.2
22-KCHT-2013; -2018; -2022; - 2023; -2029; 22-CZ-H626
2. Tomáš Eder (Saturday 27.5.) 5.50 21-KCHT-1242; - 1247; -1260; 22-KCHT-2109; -2111
DQ notes:
Fly weekend notes:
Saturday temperatures between 5°C and 28°C. Partly cloudy to clear.

Group "MK" - April 22, 2023

Group "MK" - April 22 and/or 23, 2023
DQ notes:
Fly weekend notes:


old birds - Group "MK"
place name 23.4. aggregate
. NO ENTRIES . . .

old birds - Group "MM"
place name 23. + 24.4. 21.+ 22.5.18.+ 19.6. aggregate
. NO ENTRIES . . . .

young birds - Group "MK"
place name 6.7. 7.9.aggregate
.NO ENTRIES        

young birds - Group "MM"
place name 2.+ 3.7. 23.+ 24.7.20.+ 21.8. 3.+ 4.9.aggregate
1.F.Sedlář0 + 6.15 0 + 0 0 + 09.00 + 8.30 23 hours 45 minutes
2.T.Eder0 + 0 0 + 0 DQ + 6.216.48 + DQ 13 hours 09 minutes
3.A.LadováDQ + 0 2.29 + 0 0 + 00 + 6.05 8 hours 34 minutes
4.M.Kvočka0 + 0 0 + 0 0.47 + 0DQ + 0 0 hours 47 minutes

Group "MM" aggregate time cup award
umístění jménocelkem
1.František Sedlář 23 hours 45 minutes
2.Tomáš Eder 13 hours 09 minutes
3.Alena Ladová 8 hours 34 minutes
4.Míla Kvočka0 hours 47 minutes


Group "MK" - September 3, 2022

Group "MM" - September 3 and/or 4, 2022
1. František Sedlář (Saturday 3.9.) 9.00 3 y/b
22-KCHT-2322; -2345; -2350
2. František Sedlář (Sunday 4.9.) 8.30 3 y/b
22-KCHT-2330; -2338; -2379
3. Tomáš Eder (Saturday 3.9.) 6.48 4 y/b
22-KCHT-2101; -2106; -2110; -2111
4. Alena Ladová (Sunday 4.9.) 6.05 6 y/b
22-KCHT-2072; -2074; -2080; -2090; -2092; -2095
- Míla Kvočka (Saturday 3.9.) DQ 3 y/b
22-KCHT-2304; -2305; -2312
- Tomáš Eder (Sunday 4.9.) DQ 3 y/b
22-KCHT-2107; -2109; -2112
DQ notes:
Míla Kvočka (Saturday 3.9.) - first 120 minutes rule
Tomáš Eder (Sunday 4.9.) - first 120 minutes rule + one competing tippler not available for ring check, possible loss to a predator
Fly weekend notes:
Max. weekend temperature 26°C, clear to partly cloudy

Group "MK" - August 20, 2022

Group "MM" - August 20 and/or 21, 2022
1. Tomáš Eder (Sunday 21.8.) 6.21 7 y/b
22-KCHT-2101; -2106; -2107; -2109; - 2110; - 2111; -2112
2. Míla Kvočka (Saturday 20.8.) 0.47 3 y/b
22-KCHT-2304; -2305; -2312
- Tomáš Eder (Saturday 20.8.) DQ -
DQ notes:
Tomáš Eder (Saturday 20.8.) - kit not liberated due to heavy morning fog
Fly weekend notes:
Weekend morning temperatures under 20°C, cloudy and drizzle, local fogs

Group "MK" - July 23, 2022

Group "MM" - July 23 and/or 24, 2022
1. Alena Ladová (Saturday 23.7.) 2.29 11 y/b
22-KCHT-2079; -2080; -2082; -2083; - 2084; - 2085; -2088; -2089; -2091; -2097; -2099
DQ notes:
Fly weekend notes:
Max. temperature 23°C, clear to partly cloudy

Group "MK" - July 2, 2022

Group "MM" - July 2 and/or 3, 2022
1. František Sedlář (Sunday 3.7.) 6.15 3 y/b
22-KCHT-2322; - 2330; -2332
- František Sedlář (Saturday 2.7.) DQ 2.1
21-KCHT-1291; -1343; 22-KCHT-2323
DQ notes:
František Sedlář (Saturday 2.7.) - 2 old birds on the kit; time 9.00 hours had to be disqualified
Fly weekend notes:
Weekend temperatures around 25°C, clear

Group "MK" - June 18, 2022

Group "MM" - June 18 and/or 19, 2022
DQ notes:
Fly weekend notes:

Group "MK" - May 21, 2022

Group "MM" - May 21 and/or 22, 2022
DQ notes:
Fly weekend notes:

Group "MK" - April 23, 2022

Group "MM" - April 23 and/or 24, 2022
DQ notes:
Fly weekend notes:


old birds - Group "MK"

place name 24.4. aggregate
  NO ENTRIES        

ols birds - Group "MM"
place name 24. + 25.4. 22..+ 23.5.16.+ 17.6. aggregate
1. M.Kvočka 0.27 + 0 DQ + 0 0.15 + 0 0 hours 42 minutes

young birds - Group "MK"
place name 3.7. 4.9.aggregate
 NO ENTRIES        

young birds - Group "MM"
place name 3.+ 4.7. 24.+ 25.7.21.+ 22.8. 4.+ 5.9.aggregate
1.T.Eder10.56 + 0 4.46 + 0 4.05 + DQ0.39 + DQ 20 hours 26 minutes
2.M.Kvočka0 + 0 0 + 0  0.55 + 00.55 + 0 1 hour 50 minutes
-J.GoppoldDQ + 0 0 + 0  DQ + 00 + 0 0 hours 0 minutes
-guest - Z.Macek0.06 + 0 3.35 + 0  1.05 + 00 + 0 4 hours 46 minutes

Group "MM" aggregate time cup award
place nameaggregate
1.Tomáš Eder 20 hours 26 minutes
2.Míla Kvočka 2 hours 42 minutes
-Jakub Goppold 0 hours 0 minutes
-guest - Zdeněk Macek4 hours 46 minutes


Group "MK" - September 4, 2021

Group "MM" - September 4 and/or 5, 2021
1. Míla Kvočka (Saturday 4.9.) 0.55 3 y/b
21-KCHT-1087; -1091; -1097
2. Tomáš Eder (Saturday 4.9.) 0.39 6 y/b
21-KCHT-1245; -1246; -1247; -1250; -1253; - 1254
- Tomáš Eder (Sunday 5.9.) DQ 4 y/b
21-KCHT-1245; -1246; -1247; -1250
DQ notes:
Tomáš Eder (Saturday 21.8.) - beacuse of heavy fog the kit liberated later than allowed by the rules
Fly weekend notes:
Weekend temperatures slightly above 20°C, ín some localities heavy morning fog / later clear sky

Geoup "MK" - August 21, 2021

Group "MM" - August 21 and/or 22, 2021
1. Tomáš Eder (Sunday 22.8.) 4.05 4 y/b
21-KCHT-1232; -1234; -1235; -1242
2. Míla Kvočka (Saturday 21.8.) 0.55 3 y/b
21-KCHT-1087; -1091; -1097
- Tomáš Eder (Saturday 21.8.) DQ 6 y/b
21-KCHT-1245; -1246; -1247; -1250; -1253; -1254
- Jakub Goppold (Saturday 21.8.) DQ 3 o/b + 2 y/b
20-KCHT-0186; -0187; - 0189; 21-KCHT-1131; -1132
Zdeněk Macek (Saturday 21.8.)
1.05 3.1
2021-CS-0217; -0219; - 0220; -0222
DQ notes:
Tomáš Eder (Saturday 21.8.) - 1 bird missing for the ring check + beacuse of heavy fog the kit liberated later than allowed by the rules
Jakub Goppold (Saturday 21.8.) - wrong Fly Sheet sent + 3 birds with old bird rings (time 3.38 was disqualified)
Fly weekend notes:
Weekend temperatures slightly above 20°C, ín some localities heavy morning fog / later from rain to clear sky per locality

Group "MK" - July 24, 2021

Group "MM" - July 24 and/or 25, 2021
1. Tomáš Eder (Saturday 24.7.) 4.46 4 y/b
21-KCHT-1232; -1234; -1235; -1242
Zdeněk Macek (Saturday 24.7.)
3.35 3.1
2021-CS-0217; -0219; - 0220; -0222
DQ notes:
Fly weekend notes:
Saturday morning temperatures slightly exceeded 20°C.

Group "MK" - July 3, 2021

Group "MM" - July 3 and/or 4, 2021
1. Tomáš Eder (Saturday 3.7.) 10.56 5 y/b
21-KCHT-1231; -1232; -1234; -1235; -1242
- Jakub Goppold (Saturday 3.7.) DQ ?
Zdeněk Macek (Saturday 3.7.)
0.06 3.0
2021-CS-0219; - 0220; -0222
DQ notes:
Jakub Goppold (Saturday 3.7.) - Paragraph 1, Article VIII. of the rules
Fly weekend notes:
Tomáš Eder (Saturday 3.7.) - Paragraph 6, Article IV. of the ITF rules permits a loss to a hawk after a strike if seen. Tomas Eder described such situation in his Fly Sheet thus his fly was not disqualified.
Zdeněk Macek (Saturday 3.7.) - tree crashed into the electric line during the night storm and the guest could not properly prepare the birds for liberation.
Saturday temperatures slightly exceeded 30°C, clear sky.

Group "MK" - June 16, 2021 - LONG DAY

Group "MM" - June 19and/or 20, 2021
1. Míla Kvočka (Saturday 19.6.) 0.15 0.3
20-KCHT-0155; -0163; - 0170
DQ notes:
Fly weekend notes:
Saturday morning temperature aroun 15°C,clear sky

Group "MK" - May 22, 2021

Group "MM" - May 22 and/or 23, 2021
- Míla Kvočka (Saturday 22.5.) DQ 0.3
19-KCHT-9110; -9119; 20-KCHT-0153
DQ notes:
Míla Kvočka (Saturday 22.5.) - first 120 minutes rule
Fly weekend notes:
Saturday morning temperatures below 10°C, cloudy, rain

Group "MK" - April 24, 2021

Group "MM" - April 24 and/or 25, 2021
1. Míla Kvočka (Saturday 24.4.) 0.27 0.3
19-KCHT-9103; -9110; 20-KCHT-0153
DQ notes:
Fly weekend notes:
Saturday morning temperatures slightly above 0°C, cloudy, no rain


old birds - Group "MK"
place name 25.4. aggregate
  NO ENTRIES        

old birds - Group "MM"
place name 25. + 26.4. 23.+ 24.5.20.+ 21.6. aggregate
1. V.Gaudl 4.05 + 0 0 + 0 0 + 0 4 hours 5 minutes
2. M.Kvočka 0.33 + 0 0.17 + 0 2.00 + 0 2 hours 50 minutes
- R.Čermák 0 + 0 DQ + DQ 0 + 0 0 hours 0 minutes
- F.Sedlář 0 + 0 DQ + DQ 0 + 0 0 hours 0 minutes

young birds - Group "MK"
place name 4.7. 5.9.aggregate
 NO ENTRIES        

young birds - Group "MM"
place name 4.+ 5.7. 25.+ 26.7.22.+ 23.8. 5.+ 6.9.aggregate
1.F.Otta0 + 0 14.35 + 0 0 + 00 + 0 14 hours 35 minutes
2.V.Gaudl0 + 2.05 3.55 + DQ 0 + 00 + 0 6 hours 0 minutes
3.F.Sedlář0 + 2.10 3.35 + 0 0 + 00 + 0 5 hours 45 minutes
4.J.Goppold0 + 0 DQ + 0 3.57 + 0DQ + 0 3 hours 57 minutes
5.M.KvočkaDQ + 0 1.38 + 0  0.14 + 01.05 + 0 2 hours 57 minutes

Group "MM" aggregate time cup award
place nameaggregate
1.Frank Otta 14 hours 35 minutes
2.Václav Gaudl 10 hours 5 minutes
3.František Sedlář 5 hours 45 minutes
4. Jakub Goppold3 hours 57 minutes
5.Míla Kvočka 3 hours 47 minutes
-Roman Čermák 0 hours 0 minutes


Group "MK" - September 5, 2020

Group "MM" - September 5 and/or 6, 2020
1. Míla Kvočka (Saturday 5.9.) 1.05 3 y/b
20-KCHT-0153; -0171; - 0175
- Jakub Goppold (Saturday 5.9.) DQ 3 y/b
20-KCHT-0181; -0182; -0183
DQ notes:
Jakub Goppold (Saturday 5.9.) - one bird taken by hawk
Fly weekend notes:
Saturday morning temperatures did not exceed 16°C; cloudy

Group "MK" - August 22, 2020

Group "MM" - August 22 and/or 23, 2020
1. Jakub Goppold (Saturday 22.8.) 3.57 3 y/b
20-KCHT-0181; -0182; - 0183
2. Míla Kvočka (Saturday 22.8.) 0.14 3 y/b
20-KCHT-0153; -0171; - 0178
DQ notes:
Fly weekend notes:
Saturday morning temperatures did not exceed 22°C; clear to cloudy per locality

SECOND YOUNG BIRD FLY - July 25 and/or 26, 2020

Group "MK" - July 25, 2020

Group "MM" - July 25 and/or 26, 2020
1. Frank Otta (Saturday 25.7.) 14.35 3 y/b
20-KCHT-0005; -0006; -0008
2. Václav Gaudl (Saturday 25.7.) 3.55 3 y/b
20-KCHT-0131; -0137; -0138
3. František Sedlář (Saturday 25.7.) 3.35 1.2
20-KCHT-0204; -0207; -0211
4. Míla Kvočka (Saturday 25.7.) 1.38 3 y/b
20-KCHT-0153; -0171; - 0178
- Jakub Goppold (Saturday 25.7.) DQ 3 y/b
20-KCHT-0181; -0182; - 0183
- Václav Gaudl (Sunday 26.7.) DQ 3 y/b
20-KCHT-0133; -0134; - 0139
DQ notes:
Jakub Goppold (Saturday 25.7.) - Paragraph 1, Article II. and Paragraph 1, Article VIII. of the rules
Václav Gaudl (Sunday 26.7.) - kit not liberated per the rules
Fly weekend notes:
Weekend temperatures did not exceed 27°C; clear to cloudy per locality

FIRST YOUNG BIRD FLY - July 4 and/or 5, 2020

Group "MK" - July 4, 2020

Group "MM" - July 4 and/or 5, 2020
1. František Sedlář (Sunday 5.7.) 2.10 3 y/b
20-KCHT-0202; -0204; -0207
2. Václav Gaudl (Sunday 5.7.) 2.05 4 y/b
20-KCHT-0131; -0133; -0134; -0137
- Míla Kvočka (Saturday 4.7.) DQ 3 y/b
20-KCHT-0153; -0171; - 0178
DQ notes:
Míla Kvočka (Saturday 4.7.) - incorrect time of first bird landing
Fly weekend notes:
Weekend temperatures did not exceed 18°C, local showers


Group "MK" - June 20, 2020

Group "MM" - June 20 and/or 21, 2020
1. Míla Kvočka (Saturday 20.6.) 2.00 0.3
19-KCHT-9095; -9103; -9119
DQ notes:
Fly weekend notes:
Weekend temperatures did not exceed 15°C, rain in most parts of the country

Group "MK" - May 23, 2020

Group "MM" - May 23 and/or 24, 2020
1. Míla Kvočka (Saturday 23.5.) 0.17 0.3
19-KCHT-9095; -9103; -9114
- Roman Čermák (Saturday 23.5.) DQ 5.0
16-KCHT-6023; -6029; 17-KCHT-7061; -7069; 19-KCHT-9150
- František Sedlář (Saturday 23.5.) DQ 1.2
20-KCHT-9219; -9239; -9240
- Roman Čermák (Sunday 24.5.) DQ 5.0
16-KCHT-6023; -6029; 17-KCHT-7061; -7069; 19-KCHT-9150
- František Sedlář (Sunday 24.5.) DQ 2.1
20-KCHT-9224; -9235; -9237
DQ notes:
Roman Čermák (Saturday 23.5.) - kit not liberated
František Sedlář (Saturday 23.5.) - ring check / year does not correspond with the ring number
Roman Čermák (Sunday 24.5.) - 60 minutes rule after raptor strike, one tippler did not return
František Sedlář (Sunday 24.5.) - ring check / year does not correspond with the ring number
Fly weekend notes:
Weekend temperatures did not exceed 18°C, rain or drzzle in most parts of the country

Group "MK" - April 25, 2020

Group "MM" - April 25 and/or 26, 2020
1. Václav Gaudl (Saturday 25.4.) 4.05 3.0
19-KCHT-9262; -9267; -9272
2. Míla Kvočka (Saturday 25.4.) 0.33 0.3
19-KCHT-9110; -9116; -9118
DQ notes:
Fly weekend notes:
Saturday morning temperatures were below 10°C, patly cloudy, no rain

old birds - Group "MK" (the winner receives a cup)
place name 20.4. aggregate
1. R.Čermák DQ 12.30 0 12 hours 30 minutes

old birds - Group "MM"
place name 20. + 21.4. 18.+ 19.5.22.+ 23.6. aggregate
1. M.Šabata 7.52 + 0 0 + 8.39 DQ + 0 16 hours 31 minutes
2. J.Goppold 6.34 + 0 6.20 + 0 0 + 0 12 hours 54 minutes
3. M.Kvočka 5.30 + 0 3.25 + 0 3.06 + 0 12 hours 1 minute
4. R.Čermák 0 + DQ 0 + 5.40 0 + 0 5 hours 40 minutes

young birds - Group "MK" (the winner receives a cup)
place name 6.7. 7.9.aggregate
 NO ENTRIES        

young birds - Group "MM"
place name 6.+ 7.7. 20.+ 21.7.17.+ 18.8. 7.+ 8.9.aggregate
1.M.Kvočka2.05 + 0 4.25 + 0 1.38 + 00.57 + 0 9 hours 5 minutes
3.V.Gaudl0 + 0 0 + 0  0 + 00 + 3.40 3 hoursy 40 minutes

Group "MM" aggregate time cup award (the winner receives a cup)
place nameaggregate
1.Míla Kvočka 21 hours 6 minutes
2.Milan Šabata 16 hours 31 minutes
3.Jakub Goppold 12 hours 54 minutes
4.Roman Čermák5 hours 40 minutes
5.Václav Gaudl 3 hours 40 minutes


Group "MK" - September 7, 2019

Group "MM" - September 7 and/or 8, 2019
1. Václav Gaudl (Sunday 8.9.) 3.40 4 y/b
19-KCHT-99262; -9270; -9272; -9273
2. Míla Kvočka (Saturday 7.9.) 0.57 3 y/b
19-KCHT-9101; -9114; -9116
DQ notes:
Fly weekend notes:
Saturday temperatures around 15°C, clear/partly cloudy, no rain

Group "MK" - 17. August 2019

Group "MM" - August 17 and/or 18, 2019
1. Míla Kvočka (Saturday 17.8.) 1.38 3 y/b
19-KCHT-9092; -9094; -9095
DQ notes:
Fly weekend notes:
Saturday morning temperatures did not reach 10°C, partly cloudy, no rain

Group "MK" - July 20, 2019

Group "MM" - July 20 and/or 21, 2019
1. Míla Kvočka (Saturday 20.7.) 4.25 3 y/b
19-KCHT-9092; -9094; -9095
DQ notes:
Fly weekend notes:
Saturday morning temperatures did not reach 25°C, cloudy, no rain

Group "MK" - July 6, 2019 - first y/b fly

Group "MM" - July 6 and/or 7, 2019 - first y/b fly
1. Míla Kvočka (Saturday 6.7.) 2.05 3 y/b
19-KCHT-9092; -9094; -9095
DQ notes:
Fly weekend notes:
Saturday morning temperatures did not reach 15°C, no rain

Group "MK" - June 22, 2019 - Long Day

Group "MM" - June 22 and/or 23, 2019
1. Míla Kvočka (Saturday 22.6.) 3.06 1.2
18-KCHT-8037; -8039; -8044
- Milan Šabata (Saturday 22.6.) DQ 5.0
18-CZ-001; -002; -005; -012; -017
DQ notes:
Milan Šabata (Saturday 22.6.) - 60 minutes rule
Fly weekend notes:
Saturday temperatures slightly exceeded 20°C, no rain

Group "MK" - May 18, 2019
1. Roman Čermák 12.30 5.0
15-KCHT-5061; 16-KCHT-6029; -6039; -6043; 17-KCHT-7061

Group "MM" - May 18 and/or 19, 2019
1. Milan Šabata (Sunday 19.5.) 8.39 5.0
18-CZ-001; -002; -005; -012; -017
2. Jakub Goppold (Saturday 18.5.) 6.20 4.0
13-KCHT-3285 (starý kroužek); 15-KCHT-5078; 17-KCHT-7133; 18-KCHT-8162
3. Roman Čermák (Sunday 19.5.) 5.40 10.0
15-KCHT-5082; 16-KCHT-6014; -6023; -6028; -6037; -6038; 17-KCHT-7064; -7069; -7082; 18-KCHT-8046
4. Míla Kvočka (Saturday 18.5.) 3.25 3.0
18-KCHT-8027; -8033; -8047
DQ notes:
Fly weekend notes:
Weekend noon temperatures between 20 nad 26°C, no rain both days

Group "MK" - April 20, 2019
- Roman Čermák DQ 5.0
15-KCHT-5056; - 5061; -5082; 16-KCHT-6039; -6043

Group "MM" - April 20 and/or 21, 2019
1. Milan Šabata (Saturday 20.4.) 7.52 3.0
18-CZ-001; -002; -012
2. Jakub Goppold (Saturday 20.4.) 6.34 3.1
13-KCHT-3285 (starý kroužek); 17-KCHT-7133; 18-KCHT-8162; 08-KCHT-180 (starý kroužek)
3. Míla Kvočka (Saturday 20.4.) 5.30 3.0
18-KCHT-8027; -8033; -8047
- Roman Čermák (Sunday 21.4.) DQ 16.4
16-KCHT-6014; -6023; -6028; -6029; -6037; -6038;
17-KCHT-7061; -7061; -7064; -7069; -7082; -7083; -7087;
18-KCHT-8131; -8132; -8133; -8135; -8136; -8146; -8150; -8153
DQ notes:
Roman Čermák (Saturday 20.4.) - 60 minutes rule after an unidentified raptor strike in pins, one bird not available for the ring check
Roman Čermák (Sunday 21.4.) - 60 minutes rule after after a falcon strike, kit dispersed, 5 birds not available for the ring check, 2 birds wounded
Fly weekend notes:
Weekend noon temperatures slightly exceeded 25°C in some areas, no rain both days


Group "MK" - September 1, 2018

Group "MM" - September 1 and/or 2, 2018
1. Roman Čermák (Saturday 1.9.) 4.30 18 y/b
18-KCHT-8132; -8133; -8134; -8136; -8137; -8139; -8140; -8142; -8143; -8144; -8145; -8146; -8148; -8149; -8150; -8152; -8153; -8155
2. Míla Kvočka (Saturday 1.9.) 1.50 3 y/b
18-KCHT-8027; -8034; -8047
- František Sedlář (Saturday 1.9.) DQ ?
Zdeněk Macek (Saturday 1.9.)
3.27 10 y/b
18-CZ-0043; -0044; -0045; -0046; -0050; -0057; -0061; -0063; -0066; -0067
DQ notes:
František Sedlář (Saturday 1.9.) - paragraph 1, article VIII. of the rules
Fly weekend notes:
Saturday temperatures did not exceed 17°C, heavy rain at some locations

Group "MK" - August 18, 2018

Group "MM" - August 18 and/or 19, 2018
1. František Sedlář (Saturday 18.8.) 5.40 4 y/b
18-KCHT-8276; -8277; -8278; -8280
2. Milan Šabata (Saturday 18.8.) 4.57 3 y/b
18-CZ-001; 18-CZ-002; 18-CZ-009
3. Míla Kvočka (Saturday 18.8.) 2.00 3 y/b
18-KCHT-8027; -8034; -8047
- Roman Čermák (Sunday 19.8.) DQ ?
- Jakub Goppold (Saturday 18.8.) DQ 3 y/b
18-KCHT-8161; -8165; 18-CZ-D11
Zdeněk Macek (Saturday 18.8.)
0.50 5 y/b
18-CZ-0043; -0046; -0050; -0057; -0069
DQ notes:
Roman Čermák (Sunday 19.8.) - paragraph 1, article VIII. of the rules
Jakub Goppold (Saturday 18.8.) - one competing tippler did not bear KCHT ring
Competitor Jakub Goppold is KCHT member longer than 3 years and he must compete only with tipplers that bear KCHT rings.
Competitor Milan Šabata is not KCHT member longer than 3 years and he may compete with tipplers that bear other identification rings.
Guest Zdeněk Macek is not KCHT member, he participates in KCHT competitons as a guest, thus he may compete with tipplers that bear other identification rings.

Fly weekend notes:
Weekend noot temperatures exceeded 30°C.

Group "MK" - July 28, 2018

Group "MM" - July 28 and/or 29, 2018
1. Frank Otta (Saturday 28.7.) 7.45 6 y/b
18-KCHT-8002; -8003; -8004; -8006; -8007; -8011
2. František Sedlář (Saturday 28.7.) 5.00 3 y/b
18-KCHT-8271; -8273; -8276
3. Míla Kvočka (Saturday 28.7.) 2.15 3 y/b
18-KCHT-8027; -8034; -8047
4. Josef Veselý (Saturday 28.7.) 1.14 9 y/b
18-KCHT-8202; -8203; -8205; -8210; -8212; -8214; -8216; -8218; -8220
- František Sedlář (Sunday 29.7.) 2.30 4 y/b
18-KCHT-8275; -8277; -8278; -8280
- Jakub Goppold (Saturday 28.7.) DQ ?
Zdeněk Macek (Saturday 28.7.)
3.21 6 y/b
18-CZ-0046; -0050; -0057; -0061; -0066; -0069
DQ notes:
Jakub Goppold (Saturday 7.7.) - paragraph 1, article VIII. of the rules
Fly weekend notes:
Noon temperatures reached 33°C.

Group "MK" - July 7, 2018 - FIRST Y/B FLY

Group "MM" - July 7 and/or 8, 2018
1. Frank Otta (Saturday 7.7.) 9.23 4 y/b
18-KCHT-8002; -8003; -8004; -8005
2. Roman Čermák (Saturday 7.7.) 4.23 5 y/b
18-KCHT-8131; -8133; -8134; -8135; -8136
3. Milan Šabata (Saturday 7.7.) 2.51 3 y/b
18-CZ-004; 18-CZ-005; 18-CZ-008
- Míla Kvočka (Saturday 7.7.) DQ 3 y/b
18-KCHT-8027; -8042; -8047
Zdeněk Macek (Saturday 7.7.)
2.06 3 y/b
18-CZ-0064; 18-CZ-0069; 18-CZ-0055
DQ notes:
Míla Kvočka (Saturday 7.7.) - one bird missing for ring check after a hawk strike 15 minutes into the fly
Fly weekend notes:
Weekend temperatures did not exceed 27°C. Favorible weather.

Group "MK" - June 23, 2018 - LONG DAY
1. Roman Čermák 13.35 5.0
16-KCHT-6023; -6028; -6032; -6039; -6043

Group "MM" - June 23 and/or 24, 2018
1. Roman Čermák (Sunday 24. 6.) 11.17 15.0
15-KCHT-5056; -5061; -5081; -5099; 16-KCHT-6008; -6014;
17-KCHT-7051; -7065; -7069; -7070; -7072; -7082; -7083
2. Josef Veselý (Saturday 23.6.) 4.52 5.0
17-KCHT-7118; -7150; -7152; -7156; -7169
- František Sedlář (Saturday 23.6.) DQ ?
- Míla Kvočka (Saturday 23.6.) DQ ?
- František Sedlář (Sunday 24.6.) DQ ?
DQ notes:
František Sedlář (Saturday 23.6.) - paragraph 1, article VIII. of the rules
Míla Kvočka (Saturday 23.6.) - paragraph 1, article VIII. of the rules
František Sedlář (Sunday 24.6.) - paragraph 1, article VIII. of the rules
Fly weekend notes:
Weekend temperatures did not exceed 20°C - unfavorable conditions: very strong wind and morning fogs in some localities

Group "MK" - May 19, 2018
- Roman Čermák DQ ?

Group "MM" - May 19 and/or 20, 2018
1. Míla Kvočka (Saturday 19. 5.) 2.35 0.3
16-KCHT-6161; 17-KCHT-7092; -7174
2. Josef Veselý (Sunday 20.5.) 1.07 6.0
16-KCHT-6202; 17-KCHT-7118; -7153; -7156; -7157; -7658
- Jakub Goppold (Saturday 19.5.) DQ ?
- Roman Čermák (Sunday 20.5.) DQ ?
DQ notes:
Roman Čermák (Saturday 19.5.) - paragraph 1, article VIII. of the rules
Jakub Goppold (Saturday 19.5.) - paragraph 1, article VIII. of the rules
Roman Čermák (Sunday 20.5.) - paragraph 1, article VIII. of the rules
Fly weekend notes:
Temperatures did ot reach 20°C - local morning fogs

Group "MK" - April 28, 2018 - Vojta Prepiak Memorial
1. Roman Čermák 7.00 5.0
16-KCHT-6008; -6014; -6029; -6032; -6043

Group "MM" - April 28 and/or 29, 2018
1. Roman Čermák (Sunday 29.4.) 6.35 16.0
15-KCHT-5056; -5061; -5081; -5099;
16-KCHT-6023; -6037; -6039;
17-KCHT-7051; -7061; -7064; -7065; -7069; -7070; -7072; 7082; -7083
2. Míla Kvočka (Sunday 29. 4.) 5.50 0.3
16-KCHT-6161; 17-KCHT-7092; -7174
3. Jakub Goppold (Saturday 28.4.) 3.48 2.1
14-KCHT-4282; 17-KCHT-7133; -7253;
- František Sedlář (Saturday 28.4.) DQ 0.3
18-KCHT-7225; -7235; -7249
- František Sedlář (Sunday 29.4.) DQ 0.3
18-KCHT-7229; -7238; -7241
DQ notes:
František Sedlář (Saturday 28.4.) - first 120 minutes rule
František Sedlář (Sunday 29.4.) - ring check
Fly weekend notes:
Weekend noon temperatures reached 30°C


old bird series - Group "MK" (the winner receives a cup)
place name 22.4. aggregate
- NO ENTRIES - - - -

old bird series - Group "MM"
place name 22. + 23.4. 20.+ 21.5.24.+ 25.6. aggregate
1. F.Otta 11.30 + 9.00 14.25 + 13.00 10.40 + 8.10 66 hours 45 minut
2. R.Čermák 10.15 + DQ 0 + 0 10.30 + 7.20 27 hours 05 minutes
3. V.Gaudl 0 + 0 3.52 + 0 0 + 0 3 hours 52 minutes
4. M.Kvočka DQ + 0 0 + 1.24 DQ + 0 1 hour 24 minutes
5. J.Goppold 0.11 + 0 0 + 0 0 + 0 0 hours 11 minutes
- P.Kubíček DQ + 0 0 + 0 0 + 0 0 hours 0 minutes
- F.Sedlář 0 + 0 0 + 0 0 + DQ 0 hours 0 minutes

young bird series - Group "MK" (the winner receives a cup)
place name 8.7. 2.9.aggregate
-NO ENTRIES- - -- -

young bird series - Group "MM"
place name 8.+ 9.7. 29.+ 30.7.19.+ 20.8. 2.+ 3.9.aggregate
1.F.Otta0 + 8.32 8.54 + 5.06 6.12 + 4.167.05 + 7.47 47 hours 52 minutes
2.M.Kvočka7.22 + 4.05 5.40 + 3.23 DQ + 6.224.05 + 5.57 36 hours 54 minutes
3.R.Čermák4.20 + 3.45 0 + 0 7.55 + DQ8.10 + 6.15 30 hours 25 minutes
4.F.Sedlář5.20 + 6.15 7.45 + 6.10 0 + 00 + 0 25 hours 30 minutes
5.J.PavlišDQ + 1.50 DQ + 7.38 9.38 + 00.51 + 1.47 21 hours 44 minutes
6.J.Goppold2.58 + 0 DQ + 0 DQ + 04.08 + 0 7 hours 03 minutes
7.L.Svoboda0 + 0 4.15 + 0 DQ + 0DQ + 0 4 hours 15 minutes
GUESTZ.Macek0 + 0 3.25 + 0 1.36 + 03.00 + 0 8 hours 01 minute

Group "MM" aggregate time cup award (the winner receives a cup)
place nameaggregate
1.Frank Otta114 hours 37 minutes
2.Roman Čermák 58 hours 30 minutes
3.Míla Kvočka 36 hours 54 minutes
4.František Sedlář 25 hours 30 minutes
5Jaroslav Pavliš 21 hours 44 minutes
6.Jakub Goppold 7 hours 14 minutes
7.Ladislav Svoboda 4 hoursy 15 minutes
8.Václav Gaudl 3 hoursy 52 minutes
-Petr Kubíček 0 hours 0 minutes
GUESTZdeněk Macek 8 hours 01 minute


The time statistics include only succesfully completed flies in both groups ("MK" and "MM") - DQes are not included, there were 13 of them in 2017 :

number of club members (honorary members not included): 13
number of members who participated in at least one competiton : 9
percentage of participating members : 69,2%
aggregate number of participations : 56 (of these 13 were DQ's)
aggregate number of competing tipplers : 229
aggregate time flown : 272 hours 36 minutes
average time flown per participant : 30 hours 09 minutes
average time flown per participation : 6 hours 57 minutes

personal bests (achieved or improved in 2017) :

Jaroslav Pavliš - 9 hours 38 minutes - 3 y/b kit, (19.8.2017) - personal and club best in August competiton, Group "MM"
Frank Otta - 114 hours 37 minutes (2017 season) - personal and club best aggregate time in Group "MM"
Frank Otta - 8 hours 54 minutes - 3 y/b kit (29.7.2017) - personal and club best in 2nd July competiton, Group "MM"


Group "MK" - September 2, 2017

Group "MM" - September 2 and/or 3, 2017
1. Roman Čermák (Saturday 2.9.) 8.10 5 y/b
17-KCHT-7051; -7052; -7055; -7061; -7062
2. Frank Otta (Sunday 3.9.) 7.47 3 y/b
17-KCHT-7101; -7105; -7107
3. Míla Kvočka (Sunday 3.9.) 5.57 3 y/b
17-KCHT-7385; -7395; -7400
4. Jakub Goppold (Saturday 2.9.) 4.05 4 y/b
17-KCHT-7131; -7132; -7133; -7135;
5. Jaroslav Pavliš (Sunday 3.9.) 1.47 3 y/b
17-KCHT-7190; -7195; -7199
- Frank Otta (Saturday 2.9.) 7.05 4 y/b
17-KCHT-7042; -7106; -7108; -7109
- Roman Čermák (Sunday 3.9.) 6.15 5 y/b
17-KCHT-7064; -7065; -7067; -7068; -7069
- Míla Kvočka (Saturday 2.9.) 4.05 3 y/b
17-KCHT-7173; -7384; -7387
- Jaroslav Pavliš (Sunday 3.9.) 0.51 3 y/b
17-KCHT-7181; -7184; -7189
- Ladislav Svoboda (Saturday 2.9.) DQ 3 y/b
17-KCHT-7273; -7281; -7283
Zdeněk Macek (Saturday 2.9.)
3.00 3 y/b
17-CZ-0413; -0415; -0420
DQ notes:
Ladislav Svoboda (Saturday 2.9.) - 60 minutes rule
Fly weekend notes:
Weekend temperatures were below 20°C

Group "MK" - August 19, 2017

group "MM" - August 19 and/or 20, 2017
1. Jaroslav Pavliš (Saturday 19.8.) 9.38 3 y/b
17-KCHT-7181; -7182; -7184
2. Roman Čermák (Saturday 19.8.) 7.55 5 y/b
17-KCHT-7064; -7065; -7067; -7068; -7069
3. Míla Kvočka (Sunday 20.8.) 6.22 3 y/b
17-KCHT-7385; -7395; -7400
4. Frank Otta (Saturday 19.8.) 6.12 3 y/b
17-KCHT-7042; -7101; -7108
- Frank Otta (Sunday 20.8.) 4.16 3 y/b
17-KCHT-7105; -7107; -7109
- Ladislav Svoboda (Saturday 19.8.) DQ 3 y/b
17-KCHT-7273; -7274; -7281
- Míla Kvočka (Saturday 19.8.) DQ 3 y/b
17-KCHT-7047; -7048; -7397
- Jakub Goppold (Saturday 19.8.) DQ 6 y/b
17-KCHT-7131; -7132; -7133; -7135; -7137; -7138
- Roman Čermák (Sunday 20.8.) DQ 3 y/b
17-KCHT-7051; -7055; -7061
Zdeněk Macek (Saturday 19.8.)
1.36 3 y/b
17-CZ-0413; -0415; -0420
DQ notes:
Ladislav Svoboda (Saturday 19.8.) - 60 minutes rule (1 bird was not available for ring check, probably lost to a hawk) - time 12.08 had to be disqualified
Míla Kvočka (Saturday 19.8.) - first 120 minutes rule
Jakub Goppold (Saturday 19.8.) - paragraph 1, article VIII. of the rules
Roman Čermák (Sunday 20.8.) - kit not liberated per rules - heavy fog
Fly weekend notes:
Weekend temperatures were around 20°C

Group "MK" - July 29, 2017

Group "MM" - July 29 and/or 30, 2017
1. Frank Otta (Saturday 29.7.) 8.54 3 y/b
17-KCHT-7101; -7102; -7042
2. František Sedlář (Saturday 29.7.) 7.45 3 y/b
17-KCHT-7222; -7230; 17-CZ-B3447
3. Jaroslav Pavliš (Sunday 30.7.) 7.38 3 y/b
17-KCHT-7181; -7182; -7184
4. Míla Kvočka (Saturday 29.7.) 5.40 3 y/b
17-KCHT-7047; -7048; -7397
5. Ladislav Svoboda (Saturday 29.7.) 4.15 4 y/b
17-KCHT-7273; -7274; -7277; -7281
- František Sedlář (Sunday 30.7.) 6.10 3 y/b
17-KCHT-7223; -7228; -7230
- Frank Otta (Sunday 30.7.) 5.06 3 y/b
17-KCHT-7106; -7107; -7108
- Míla Kvočka (Sunday 30.7.) 3.23 3 y/b
17-KCHT-7385; -7386; -7395
- Jakub Goppold (Saturday 29.7.) DQ 6 y/b
17-KCHT-7131; -7132; -7133; -7134; -7135; -7136
- Jaroslav Pavliš (Saturday 29.7.) DQ 3 y/b
17-KCHT-7187; -7189; -7190
Zdeněk Macek (Saturday 29.7.)
3.25 3 y/b
17-CZ-0413; -0415; -0420
DQ notes:
Jaroslav Pavliš (Saturday 29.7.) - 60 minutes rule (1 bird not available for the ring check)
Jakub Goppold (Saturday 29.7.) - 60 minutes rule (2 birds not available for the ring check after a hawk strike)
Fly weekend notes:
Weekend temperatures exceeded 30°C in some places in the country.

Group "MK" - July 8, 2017

Group "MM" - July 8 and/or 9, 2017
1. Frank Otta (Sunday 9.7.) 8.32 3 y/b
17-KCHT-7101; -7102; -7042
2. Míla Kvočka (Saturday 8.7.) 7.22 3 y/b
17-KCHT-7045; -7047; -7048
3. František Sedlář (Sunday 9.7.) 6.15 5 y/b
17-KCHT-7226; -7227; 7228; -7229; -7230
4. Roman Čermák (Saturday 8.7.) 4.20 5 y/b
17-KCHT-7053; -7054; -7056; -7060; -7061
5. Jakub Goppold (Saturday 8.7.) 2.58 6 y/b
17-KCHT-7131; -7132; -7133; -7134; -7135; -7136
6. Jaroslav Pavliš (Sunday 9.7.) 1.50 4 y/b
17-KCHT-7181; -7182; -7184; -7185
- František Sedlář (Saturday 8.7.) 5.20 3 y/b
17-KCHT-7222; -7223; 17-CZ-B3447
- Míla Kvočka (Sunday 9.7.) 4.05 3 y/b
17-KCHT-7043; -7395; -7400
- Roman Čermák (Sunday 9.7.) 3.45 5 y/b
17-KCHT-7051; -7052; -7055; -7057; -7059
- Jaroslav Pavliš (Saturday 8.7.) DQ 3 y/b
17-KCHT-7187; -7189; -7190
DQ notes:
Jaroslav Pavliš (Saturday 8.7.) - first 120 minutes rule (kit went high, low cloud, poor visibility); time 7.35 had to be disqualified
Fly weekend notes:
Weekend temperatures reached 30°C.

Group "MK" - June 24, 2017 - LONG DAY

Group "MM" - June 24 and/or 25, 2017
1. Frank Otta (Saturday 24.6.) 10.40 0.3
14-KCHT-4114; 15-KCHT-5223; 16-KCHT-6058
2. Roman Čermák (Saturday 24.6.) 10.30 5.0
15-KCHT-5099; 16-KCHT-6014; -6029; -6039; -6043
- Frank Otta (Sunday 25.6.) 8.10 4.1
15-KCHT-5202; -5215; 5224; -5228; 16-KCHT-6059
- Roman Čermák (Sunday 25.6.) 7.20 5.0
15-KCHT-5079; 16-KCHT-6008; -6026; -6032; -6036; -6037; -6038
- František Sedlář (Saturday 24.6.) 5.45 *) 3 y/b
17-KCHT-7222; -7223; 17-CZ-B3447
- Míla Kvočka (Sunday 25.6.) 2.22 *) 5 y/b
17-KCHT-7043; -7389; -7395; -7397; -7400
- Míla Kvočka (Saturday 24.6.) 0.52 *) 5 y/b
17-KCHT-7045; -7046; -7047; -7048; -7049
- František Sedlář (Sunday 25.6.) DQ ?
DQ notes:
František Sedlář (Sunday 25.6.) - paragraph 1, article VIII. of the rules
Fly weekend notes:
*) M.Kvočka and F.Sedlář tested their y/b kits. Times achieved on LD with y/b's are not counted in the y/b overall season results.
Weekend temperatures reached 30°C.

Group "MK" - May 20, 2017

Group "MM" - May 20 and/or 21, 2017
1. Frank Otta (Saturday 20.5.) 14.25 1.4
14-KCHT-4114; 15-KCHT-5223; -5224; -16-KCHT-6058; -6059
2. Václav Gaudl (Sunday 21.5.) 3.52 2.1
16-KCHT-6145; -6149; -6151
- Frank Otta (Sunday 21.5.) 13.00 4.0
15-KCHT-5202; -5214; -5215; -5228
DQ notes:
Fly weekend notes:
Temperatures in most parts of the country were under 20°C

Group "MK" - April 22, 2017 - Vojta Prepiak Memorial

Group "MM" - April 22 and/or 23, 2017
1. Frank Otta (Saturday 22.4.) 11.30 1.6
14-KCHT-4114; 15-KCHT-5223; -5224; 16-KCHT-6055; -6058; -6059; -6070
2. Roman Čermák (Saturday 22.4.) 10.15 7.0
15-KCHT-5099; 16-KCHT-6008; -6014; -6023; - 6029; -6032; -6043
3. Jakub Goppold (Saturday 22.4.) 0.11 1.3
16-KCHT-6191; -6193; -6194; -6195
- Frank Otta (Sunday 23.4.) 9.00 4.0
15-KCHT-5202; -5214; -5215; -5228
- Roman Čermák (Sunday 23.4) DQ 6.8
15-KCHT-5053; -5079; -5091; 5100; 16-KCHT-6026; -6027; -6034; -6036; -6037; -6038; -6039; -6041; -6046; 6050
- Míla Kvočka (Saturday 22.4.) DQ ?
- Petr Kubíček (Saturday 22.4.) DQ ?
DQ notes:
Roman Čermák (Sunday 23.4.) - different birds out of sight 120 minutes after liberation due to multiple hawk strikes / three birds missing for the ring check, three of those that returned are injured.
Míla Kvočka (Saturday 22.4.) - paragraph 1, article VIII. of the rules
Petr Kubíček (Saturday 22.4.) - paragraph 1, article VIII. of the rules
Fly weekend notes:
Very cold weekend, snow in some parts of the country.


old bird series - Group "MK"
(the winner receives a cup)
place name 23.4. aggregate
1. R.Čermák 9.05 x 14.05 23 hours 10 minutes

old bird series - Group "MM"
place name 23. + 24.4. 21.+ 22.5.18.+ 19.6. aggregate
1. F.Otta 12.15 + 12.45 15.01 + DQ DQ + 15.05 55 hours 06 minutes
2. R.Čermák 0 + 7.15 11.12 + 9.40 0 + 12.00 40 hours 07 minutes
3. J.Goppold 5.16 + 0 0 + DQ 0 + 0 5 hours 16 minutes
4. M.Kvočka 0 + 0.35 0 + 1.24 DQ + 0 1 hours 59 minutes
- J.Veselý 0 + 0 DQ + 0 0 + 0 0 hours 0 minutes

young bird series - Group "MK" (the winner receives a cup)
place name 2.7. 3.9.aggregate
1.R.Čermákx 6.45 5.12x 11 hours 57 minutes

young bird series - Group "MM"
place name 2.+ 3.7. 23.+ 24.7.20.+ 21.8. 3.+ 4.9.aggregate
1.F.Otta7.48 + 8.40 0 + 0 7.45 + DQDQ + 8.30 32 hours 43 minutes
2.M.Kvočka0 + 0 0 + 0 0 + DQ5.15 + 0 5 hours 15 minutes
3.R.ČermákDQ + 5.08 0 + DQ 0 + DQDQ + DQ 5 hours 08 minutes
-P.KubíčekDQ + 0 DQ + 0 0 + 00 + 0 0 hours 0 minutes

Group "MM" aggregate time cup award (the winner receives a cup)
place nameaggregate
1.Frank Otta87 hours 49 minutes
2.Roman Čermák 45 hours 15 minutes
3.Míla Kvočka 7 hours 14 minutes
4.Jakub Goppold 5 hours 16 minutes
-Josef Veselý 0 hours 0 minutes
-Petr Kubíček 0 hours 0 minutes


The time statistics include only succesfully completed flies in both groups ("MK" and "MM") - DQes are not included, there were 14 of them this year :

number of club members (honorary members not included): 12
number of members who participated in at least one competiton : 6
percentage of participating members : 50%
aggregate number of participations : 36 (of these 14 were DQ's)
aggregate number of competing tipplers : 155
aggregate time flown : 180 hours 51 minutes
average time flown per participant : 30 hours 09 minutes
average time flown per participation : 8 hours 37 minutes

personal bests (achieved or improved in 2015) :

Roman Čermák - 14 hours 05 minutes - 5.0 kit, (18.6.2016) - personal best
Frank Otta - 87 hours 49 minutes (2016 season) - personal and club best aggregate time in Group "MM"


Group "MK" - September 3, 2016

Group "MM" - September 3 and/or 4, 2016
1. Frank Otta (Sunday 4.9.) 8.30 3 y/b
16-KCHT-6062; -6067; -6068
2. Míla Kvočka (Saturday 3.9.) 5.15 3 y/b
16-KCHT-6164; -6169; -6175
- Roman Čermák (Saturday 3.9.) DQ 3 y/b
16-KCHT-6001; -6007; -6008
- Frank Otta (Saturday 3.9.) DQ 3 y/b
16-KCHT-6055; -6059; -6063
- Roman Čermák (Sunday 4.9.) DQ 3 y/b
16-KCHT-6014; -6016; -6022
DQ notes:
Roman Čermák (Saturday 3.9.) - kit not liberated - new falcon in the area / losses in trainings
Frank Otta (Saturday 3.9.) - 70 meters rule
Roman Čermák (Sunday 4.9.) - kit not liberated - new falcon in the area / losses in trainings
Fly notes:

Group "MK" - August 20, 2016
1. Roman Čermák 5.12 10 y/b
16-KCHT-6001; -6007; -6008; -6012; -6014; -6016; -6022; -6024; -6026; -6027

Group "MM" - August 20 and/or 21, 2016
1. Frank Otta (Saturday 20.8.) 7.45 3 y/b
16-KCHT-6055; -6059; -6063
- Míla Kvočka (Sunday 21.8.) DQ 3 y/b
16-6164; 16-6172; 16-6175
- Roman Čermák (Sunday 21.8.) DQ 3 y/b
16-KCHT-6004; -6013; -6018
- Frank Otta (Sunday 21.8.) DQ 5 y/b
16-KCHT-6054; -6056; -6058; -6064; -6065
DQ notes:
Roman Čermák (Sunday 21.8.) - kit not liberated per the rules - fog, rain
Míla Kvočka (Sunday 21.8.) - Art. II / 2 / ITF (ring numbers)
Frank Otta (Sunday 21.8.) - 60 minutes rule
Fly notes:
Saturday temperatures again exceeded 30°C
Sunday results were influenced by steady rain

Group "MK" - July 23, 2016
1. Roman Čermák 6.45 15 y/b
16-KCHT-6001; -6007; -6008; -6009; -6012; -6013; -6014; -6016; -6017; -6018; -6022; -6023; -6026; -6027; -6028

Group "MM" - JUly 23 and/or 24, 2016
- Petr Kubíček (Saturday 23.7.) DQ ?
DQ notes:
Petr Kubíček (Saturday 23.7.) - paragraph 1, article VIII. of the rules
Fly notes:
Saturday temperatures exceeded 30°C

Group "MK" - July 2, 2016 - International Y/B Fly - NO ENTRIES - -
Group "MM" - July 2 and/or 3, 2016
1. Frank Otta (Sunday 3.7.) 8.40 3 y/b
16-KCHT-6052; -6054; -6064
2. Roman Čermák (Sunday 3.7.) 5.08 11 y/b
16-KCHT-6001; -6003; -6007; -6009; -6012; -6013; -6014; -6016; -6018; -6019; -6020
- Frank Otta (Saturday 2.7.) 7.48 3 y/b
16-KCHT-6055; -6056; -6057
- Petr Kubíček (Saturday 2.7.) DQ 5 y/b
16-KCHT-6105; -6106; -6107; -6119; -6122
- Roman Čermák (Saturday 2.7.) DQ 3 y/b
16-KCHT-6006; -6008; -6011
DQ notes:
Petr Kubíček (Saturday 2.7.) - 60 minutes rule after heavy rain
Roman Čermák (Saturday 2.7.) - kit not liberated because it was in bad condition after hawk strike during last training before the competiton
Fly notes:
Roman Čermák (Sunday 3.7.) - dropper escaped from the loft and time had to be taken
Saturday temperatures exceeded 30°C

Group "MK" - June 18, 2016 - Long Day
1. Roman Čermák 14.05 5.0
15-KCHT-5056; -5061; -5081; -5082; -5085

Group "MM" - 18 and/or 19, 2016
1. Frank Otta (Sunday 19.6.) 15.05 0.3
15-KCHT-5223; -5224; -5225
2. Roman Čermák (Sunday 19.6.) 12.00 0.6
15-KCHT-5053; -5054; -5087; -5091; -5095; -5100
- Míla Kvočka (Saturday 18.6.) DQ 3.0
14-KCHT-4092; -4094; 15-KCHT-5177
- Frank Otta (Saturday 18.6.) DQ 6.1
14-KCHT-4113; 15-KCHT-5006; -5207; -5210; -5214; -5215; -5228
DQ notes:
Míla Kvočka (Saturday 18.6.) - kit not liberated per the rules
Frank Otta (Saturday 18.6.) - first 120 minutes rule
Fly notes:
a bad storm hit East Bohemia on Sunday evening

Group "MK" - May 21, 2016

Group "MM" - May 21 and/or 22, 2016
1. Frank Otta (Saturday 21.5.) 15.01 3.0
14-KCHT-4113; 15-KCHT-5214; -5215
2. Roman Čermák (Saturday 21.5.) 11.12 6.0
15-KCHT-5055; -5056; -5061; -5081; -5082; -5085
3. Míla Kvočka (Sunday 22.5.) 1.24 3.0
14-KCHT-4092; -4094; 15-KCHT-5177
- Roman Čermák (Sunday 22.5.) 9.40 0.6
14-KCHT-4358; 15-KCHT-5053; -5054; -5091; -5095; -5100
- Jakub Goppold (Saturday 21.5.) DQ 1.2
15-KCHT-5122; -5126; -5132
- Josef Veselý (Saturday 21.5.) DQ 0.3
14-KCHT-4393; 15-KCHT-4396; -4423
- Frank Otta (Sunday 22.5.) DQ 2.1
14-KCHT-5206; 15-KCHT-5207; -5210
DQ notes:
Jakub Goppold (Saturday 21.5.) - 60 minutes rule (hawk took one tippler)
Josef Veselý (Saturday 21.5.) - Art. II / 2 / ITF (ring numbers) and consecutively the 60 minutes (one tippler missing)
Frank Otta (Sunday 22.5.) - Čl. II / bod 2 / ITF (ring number)
Fly notes:
Sunday temperature trippled during the fly - 9°C at liberation time and 27°C at noon.

Group "MK" - April 23, 2016 - Vojta Prepiak Memorial
1. Roman Čermák 9.05 5.0
15-KCHT-5055; -5056; -5061; -5082; -5085

Group "MM" - April 23 and/or 24, 2016
1. Frank Otta (Sunday 24.4.) 12.45 0.4
14-KCHT-4114; 15-KCHT-5223; -5224; -5225
2. Roman Čermák (Sunday 24.4.) 7.15 0.5
14-KCHT-4358; 15-KCHT-5053; -5054; -5072; -5087
3. Jakub Goppold (Saturday 23.4.) 5.16 1.2
15-KCHT-5122; -5126; -5132
4. Míla Kvočka (Saturday 23.4.) 0.35 3.0
14-KCHT-4092; -4094; 15-KCHT-5179
- Frank Otta (Saturday 23.4.) 12.15 5.0
14-KCHT-4113; 15-KCHT-5206; -5207; -5214; -5215
DQ notes:
Fly notes:
Roman Čermák won the Vojta Prepiak Memorial Cup this year


old bird series - Group "MK" (the winner receives a cup)
place name 18.4. aggregate
1. F.Otta 11.11 13.25 13.33 38 hours 09 minutes
2. R.Čermák x 13.00 10.37 23 hours 37 minutes
3. L.Svoboda 0.57 x 4.34 5 hours 31 minutes
- P.Kubíček DQ x x 0 hours 0 minutes

old bird series - Group "MM"*) This time flown was achieved with a kit of y/b's thus cannot be included in any of the aggregate results because the Rules say the young bird series starts with the first competition in June.
note: in the event that a competitor flies both days of the weekend, both times achieved are included in the aggregate time for the Group "MM" aggregate time cup award
place name 18. + 19.4. 16.+ 17.5.20.+ 21.6. aggregate
1. F.Otta 0 + 10.20 0 + 15.00 0 + 0 25 hours 20 minutes
2. R.Čermák 0 + DQ 0 + 7.33 0 + DQ 7 hours 33 minutes
3. M.Kvočka 2.46 + 0 0 + 2.00 DQ + 0 4 hours 46 minutes
- J.Veselý 0 + 0 0 + 0 DQ + 0 0 hours 0 minutes
- P.Kubíček 0 + 0 0 + 0 0 + 10.30 / *)
test fly with y/b's
Petr's first "TEN"
0 hours 0 minutes

young bird series - Group "MK" (the winner receives a cup)
place name 4.7. 5.9.aggregate
1.R.Čermákx DQ 4.356.32 11 hours 07 minutes
2.F.Otta6.30 x xx 6 hours 30 minutes

young bird series - Group "MM"note: in the event that a competitor flies both days of the weekend, their results achieved on both days are included in the aggregate time for the Group "MM" aggregate time cup award
place name 4.+ 5.7. 18.+ 19.7.15.+ 16.8. 5.+ 6.9.aggregate
1.F.Otta0 + 0.51 9.10 + 3.45 6.30 + 5.2510.45 + 12.03 48 hours 29 minutes
2.R.Čermák5.22 + 4.04 0 + 3.47 0 + DQ0 + 6.40 19 hours 53 minutes
3.P.Kubíček11.02 + 0 5.49 + 0 0 + 00 + 0 16 hours 51 minutes
4.J.VeselýDQ + 0 5.13 + 0 0 + 00 + 0 5 hours 13 minutes
5.J.Goppold0 + 0 4.30 + 0 DQ + 0DQ + 0 4 hours 30 minutes
6.M.Kvočka0 + 0 0 + 0 0.55 + 0.260.35 + 0.35 2 hours 32 minutes

Group "MM" aggregate time cup award (the winner receives a cup)
place nameaggregate
1.Frank Otta73 hours 49 minutes
2.Roman Čermák 27 hours 26 minutes
3.Petr Kubíček 16 hours 51 minutes
4.Míla Kvočka 7 hours 18 minutes
5.Josef Veselý 5 hours 13 minutes
6.Jakub Goppold 4 hours 30 minutes


The time statistics include only succesfully completed flies in both groups (MK and MM) - DQes are not included, there were 9 of them this year :

number of club members (honorary members not included) : 12
number of members who participated in at least one competiton : 7
percentage of participating members : 58%
aggregate number of participations : 44 (of these 9 were DQ's)
aggregate number of tipplers in the air : 218
aggregate time flown : 213 hours 01 minutese
average time flown per participant : 30 hours 26 minutes
average time flown per participation : 6 hours 05 minutes

personal bests (achieved or improved in 2015) :

Petr Kubíček - 10.30 - 5 y/b (20.6.2015) - Petr's first "TEN" (receives a cup)
Petr Kubíček - 11.02 - 3 y/b (4.7.2015) - personal best
Frank Otta - 10.45 - 3 y/b (5.9.2015) - personal best for this particulat dly weekend (September)
Frank Otta - 12.03 - 3 y/b (6.9.2015) - personal best for this particulat dly weekend (September)

information on BOP strikes during 2015 competiton flies (not part of the statistics) :

number of tipplers killed or chasen away by BOP's during competitions : 6 , in one case the fly could be re-classified from Group MK to Group MM per the ITF rules, in five cases the strikes resulted in DQ (strikes and losses occur during thrainings as well, the files on these are kept separately by individual club members)


Group "MK" - September 5, 2015
1. Roman Čermák 6.32 15 y/b
2015-KCHT-5051; -5053; -5055; -5056; -5058; -5061; -5064; -5066; -5069; -5071; -5072; -5076; -5078; -5079; -5162

Group "MM" - September 5 and/or 6, 2015
1. Frank Otta (Sunday 6.9.) 12.03 3 y/b
2015-KCHT-5209; -5210; -5217
2. Roman Čermák (Sunday 6.9.) 6.40 10 y/b
2015-KCHT-5054; -5057; -5063; -5070; -5073; -5074; -5077; -5080; -5081; -5170
3. Míla Kvočka (Saturday 5.9.) 0.35 3 y/b
2015-KCHT-5177; -5179; -5194
- Frank Otta (Saturday 5.9.) 10.45 3 y/b
2015-KCHT-5206; -5207; -5216
- Míla Kvočka (Sunday 6.9.) 0.35 3 y/b
2015-KCHT-5175; -5181; -5185
- Jakub Goppold (Saturday 5.9.) DQ 6 y/b
2015-KCHT-5121; -5124; -5126; -5130; -5132; -5135
DQ notes:
5.9. Jakub Goppold - paragraph 1, article VIII. of the rules
Fly notes:
5.9. Frank Otta - improved his personal best for September by 45 minutes
6.9. Frank Otta - improved his yesterday's (Sat Sept. 5, 2015) personal best for September by 1 hour and 18 minutes

Group "MK" - August 15, 2015
1. Roman Čermák 4.35 13 y/b
2015-KCHT-5051; -5054; -5055; -5056; -5057; -5058; -5061; -5063; -5064; -5065; -5070; -5072; -5076

Group "MM" - August 15 and/or 16, 2015
1. Frank Otta (Sunday 16.8.) 6.30 3 y/b
2015-KCHT-5209; -5216; -5217
2. Míla Kvočka (Saturday 15.8.) 0.55 4 y/b
2015-KCHT-5173; -5174; -5181; -5194
- Frank Otta (Saturday 15.8.) 5.25 4 y/b
2015-KCHT-5206; -5207; -5210; -5213
- Míla Kvočka (Sunday 16.8.) 0.26 4 y/b
2015-KCHT-5175; -5179; -5185; -5190
- Jakub Goppold (Saturday 15.8.) DQ 3 y/b
2015-KCHT-5122; -5124; -5126
- Roman Čermák (Sunday 16.8.) DQ 10 y/b
2015-KCHT-5053; -5064; -5069; -5070; -5071; -5073; -5077; -5078; -5079; -5080
DQ notes:
15.8. Jakub Goppold - lost one bird to a hawk
16.8. Roman Čermák - kit not liberated per paragraph 2, article III. of the rules
Fly notes:
One fly sheet was not returned
Yet another hot weekend - fouth in a row this competiton season. Temperatures at dropping times ranged from 32 to 35°C.

Group "MK" - July 18, 2015
- Roman Čermák DQ 7 y/b
2015-KCHT-5053; -5054; -5057; -5058; -5059; -5061; -5066

Group "MM" - July 18 and/or 19, 2015
1. Frank Otta (Saturday 18.7.) 9.10 3 y/b
2015-KCHT-5206; -5207; -5209
2. Petr Kubíček (Saturday 18.7.) 5.49 3 y/b
2015-KCHT-5149; -5150; -5153
3. Josef Veselý (Saturday 18.7.) 5.13 7 y/b
2015-KCHT-5307; -5308; -5310; -5311; -5312; -5314; -5315
4. Jakub Goppold (Saturday 18.7.) 4.30 3 y/b
2015-KCHT-5122; -5124; -55126
5. Roman Čermák (Sunday 19.7.) 3.47 10 y/b
2015-KCHT-5055; -5056; -5063; -5064; -5069; -5070; -5072; -5075; -5076; -5077
6. Frank Otta (Sunday 19.7.) 3.45 4 y/b
2015-KCHT-5201; -5202; -5210; -5214
DQ notes:
18.7. Roman Čermák - 60 minutes rule after multiple hawk strikes
Fly notes:
19.7. Roman Čermák - utilized the ITF rule on loss of a bird to hawk
Another extremely hot weekend - temperatures were around 35°C - 2 flies ended in a self-drop. Only one competitor's birds were able to fly past noontime.

Group "MK" - July 4, 2015 - International Y/B Fly
1. Frank Otta 6.30 3 y/b
2015-KCHT-5206; -5207; -5209

Group "MM" - July 4 and/or 5, 2015
1. Petr Kubíček (Saturday 4.7.) 11.02 3 y/b
2015-KCHT-5149; -5150; -5153
2. Roman Čermák (Saturday 4.7.) 5.22 5 y/b
2015-KCHT-5051; -5053; -5061; -5062; -5066
3. Roman Čermák (Sunday 5.7.) 4.04 7 y/b
2015-KCHT-5054; -5055; -5056; -5057; -5058; -5063; -5064
4. Frank Otta (Sunday 5.7.) 0.51 3 y/b
2015-KCHT-5202; -5204; -5210
- Josef Veselý (Saturday 4.7.) DQ 7 y/b
2015-KCHT-5307; -5308; -5310; -5311; -5312; -5314; -5315
DQ notes:
4.7. Josef Veselý - the kit not liberated per the requirements of Paragraph 2, Article III. of the ITF rules
Fly notes:
4.7. Petr Kubíček - flew his PB
4.7. Roman Čermák - during the fly tranfered from Group "MK" to Group "MM" - documented loss of a bird to BOP
The weekend was extremely hot - over 35°C - 4 flies ended in self-drop

Group "MK" - June 20, 2015
1. Frank Otta 13.33 0.3
2014-KCHT-4103; -4104; -4105
2. Roman Čermák 10.37 5.0
2013-CZ-B5995; 2014-CZ-0165; -5953; -6227; 6323
3. Ladislav Svoboda 4.34 3.0
2012-KCHT-9276; -9298; 2014-KCHT-4182

Group "MM" - June 20 and/or 21, 2015
- Petr Kubíček (Saturday 20.6.) 10.30 5 y/b
2015-KCHT-5144; -5147; -5149; -5150; -5153
- Josef Veselý (Saturday 20.6.) DQ 5.0
2014-KCHT-4392; -4402; -4409; -4413; -4422
- Roman Čermák (Sunday 21.6.) DQ 1.6
2014-KCHT-4358; -4365; 2014-CZ-3088; -0072; -0166; -0169; -0532
DQ notes:
20.6. Josef Veselý - 60 minutes rule
21.6. Roman Čermák - 60 minutes rule (one bird did not return, probable hawk strike)
Fly notes:
20.6. Petr Kubíček - flew his PB in the season's 3rd competiton weekend and, at the same time, his first "TEN" (per the club rules - y/b fly on LD is not counted in the y/b overall season results).

Group "MK" - May 16, 2015
1. Frank Otta 13.25 2.1
2014-KCHT-4131; -4138; -4139
2. Roman Čermák 13.00 5.0
2013-CZ-B5995; 2014-CZ-0165; -0566; -6227; 6323

Group "MM" - May 16 and/or 17, 2015
1. Frank Otta (Sunday 17.5.) 15.00 2.1
2012-KCHT-9112; 2014-KCHT-4123; -4136
2. Roman Čermák (Sunday 17.5.) 7.33 0.8
2014-KCHT-4353; -4358; -4365; 2014-CZ-0072; -0166; -0169; -0532; -5955
3. Míla Kvočka (Saturday 16.5.) 2.00 3.0
2014-KCHT-4054; -4057; -4092
DQ notes:
Fly notes:

Group "MK" - April 18, 2015 - Vojta Prepiak Memorial
1. Frank Otta 11.11 3.0
2014-KCHT-4112; -4113; -4123
2. Ladislav Svoboda 0.57 0.3
2014-KCHT-4152; -4160; -4185
- Petr Kubíček DQ 3.0
2014-KCHT-4149; -4309; 2012-CZ-B7543

Group "MM" - April 18 and/or 19, 2015
1. Frank Otta (Sunday 19.4.) 10.20 2.1
2014-KCHT-4131; -4138; -4139
2. Míla Kvočka (Saturday 18.4.) 2.46 3.0
2014-KCHT-4057; -4092; -4097
- Roman Čermák (Sunday 19.4.) DQ 3.3
2013-CZ-B5995; 2014-CZ-0165; 2014-KCHT-4355; - 4358; -4359; - 4360
DQ notes:
18.4. Petr Kubíček - paragraph 1, article VIII. of the rules
19.4. Roman Čermák - 60 minutes after BOP strikes, loss of a tippler
Fly notes:


old bird series - Group "MK" (the winner receives a cup)
placed name 19.4. aggregate
1. F.Otta 14.59 11.28 18.06
Czech record flown to the NTU rules
44 hours 33 minutes
2. L.Svoboda DQ 12.38 DQ 12 hours 38 minutes
3. R.Čermák x 3.50 7.20 11 hours 10 minutes
old bird series - Group "MM"
placed name 19.+ 20.4. 17.+ 18.5.21.+ 22.6. aggregate
1. R.Čermák 0 + 6.21 0 + 5.08 0 + 11.22
Roman's first "TEN"
22 hours 51 minutes
2. F.Otta 0 + 11.00 0 + 11.26 0 + 0 22 hours 26 minutes
3. P.Kubíček 0 + 0 0 + 4.42 DQ + 0 4 hours 42 minutes
4. L.Svoboda 0 + 0 0 + 4.38 DQ + 0 4 hours 38 minutes
- M.Kvočka 0 + 0 0 + 0 DQ + 0 0 hours 0 minutes
- J.Goppold 0 + 0 0 + 0 DQ + 0 0 hours 0 minutes

young bird series - Group "MK" (the winner receives a cup)
placed name 5.7. 6.9.aggregate
1.R.Čermák8.42 x x7.04 15 hours 46 minutes
2.F.Ottax DQ 11.203.23 14 hours 43 minutes
young bird series - Group "MM"
placed name 5.+ 6.7. 26.+ 27.7.16.+ 17.8. 6.+ 7.9.aggregate
1.F.Otta14.31 + 8.10 0 + 0 0 + 9.010 + 2.45 34 hours 27 minutes
2.R.Čermák0 + 7.11 6.04 + DQ 7.00 + 00 + 3.18 23 hours 33 minutes
3.P.Kubíček0 + 9.05 6.59 + 3.20 0 + 0DQ + 0 19 hours 27 minutes
4.M.Kvočka0 + 0 0 + 0 0.02 + 06.52 + 0 6 hours 54 minutes

old and young bird aggregate in group "MM" (the winner receives a cup)
placed nameaggregate
1.Frank Otta56 hours 53 minutes
2.Roman Čermák 46 hours 24 minutes
3.Petr Kubíček 24 hours 24 minutes
4.Míla Kvočka 6 hours 54 minutes
5.Ladislav Svoboda 4 hours 38 minutes
6.Jakub Goppold 0 hours 0 minutes

The time statistics include only succesfully completed flies in both groups (MK and MM) - DQes are not included, there were 9 of them this year :

number of club members (honorary members not included) :13
number of members who participated in at least one competiton :6
percentage of participating members : 46%
aggregate number of participations : 38
aggregate number of tipplers in the air : 154
aggregate time flown : 236 hours 55 minutes
average time flown per participant : 39 hours 05 minutes
average time flown per participation : 8 hours 28 minutes

personal bests (achieved or improved in 2014):

Frank Otta - 18.06 - 1.2 o/b (21.6.2014) - best time flown in CZ to the NTU rules (receives a cup)
Roman Čermák - 11.22 - 5 y/b (22.6.2014) - Roman's first "TEN" (receives a cup)
Petr Kubíček - 9.05 - 3 y/b (6.7.2014)


Group "MK" - September 6, 2014
1. Roman Čermák 7.04 5 y/b
2014-CZ-A13233; -A13234; -A13236; -A13237; -A13238
2. Frank Otta 3.23 3 y/b
2014-KCHT-4123; -4131; -4139

Group "MM" - September 6 and/or 7, 2014
1. Míla Kvočka (Saturday 6.9.) 6.52 3 y/b
2014-KCHT-4058; -4067; -4087
2. Roman Čermák (Sunday 7.9.) 3.18 9 y/b
2014-KCHT-4358; -4359; 2014-CZ-0071; -0165; -0170; -0171; -0172; -3091; -3096
3. Frank Otta (Sunday 7.9.) 2.45 4 y/b
2014-KCHT-4104; -4105; -4106; 4129
- Petr Kubíček (Saturday 6.9.) DQ 3 y/b
2014-KCHT-4319; -4320; -4142
DQ notes:
6.9. Petr Kubíček - time 7.08 / disqualified per Article V. - 2 of the Rules.
Fly weekend notes:
6.9. Roman Čermák - flew his PB in the season's 7th competiton weekend.
One time sheet was not returned.

Group "MK" - August 16, 2014
1. Frank Otta 11.20 3 y/b
2014-KCHT-4103; -4111; -4127

Group "MM" - August 16 and/or 17, 2014
1. Frank Otta (Sunday 17.8.) 9.01 5 y/b
2014-KCHT-4104; -4106; -4113; 4122; 4129
2. Roman Čermák (Saturday 16.8.) 7.00 3 y/b
2014-CZ-3091; -A13233; -A13234
3. Míla Kvočka (Saturday 16.8.) 0.02 3 y/b
2014-KCHT-4082; -4083; -4057
DQ notes:
Fly notes:
26.7. Roman Čermák - flew his PB in the season's 6th competiton weekend It was very rainy in some parts of the country on Saturday. Temperature did not exceed +22°C.

Group "MK" - July 26, 2014
- Frank Otta DQ 3 y/b
2014-KCHT-4103; -4111; -4118

Group "MM" - July 26 and/or 27, 2014
1. Petr Kubíček (Saturday 26.7.) 6.59 3 y/b
2014-KCHT-4301; -4307; -4313
2. Roman Čermák (Saturday 26.7.) 6.04 3 y/b
2014-CZ-0069; -0072; -A13230
- Petr Kubíček (Sunday 27.7.) 3.20 5 y/b
2014-KCHT-4316; -4317; -4318; -4319; -4107
- Roman Čermák (Sunday 27.7.) DQ 3 y/b
2014-CZ-0079; -0165; -0166
DQ notes:
26.7. Frank Otta - the kit did not take off per the rules
27.7. Roman Čermák - the kit did not take off per the rules
Fly notes:
26.7. Roman Čermák - flew his PB in the season's 5th competiton weekend
26.7. Petr Kubíček - flew his PB in the season's 5th competiton weekend
the weekend temperatures exceeded the +30°C mark.

Group "MK" - July 5, 2014
1. Roman Čermák 8.42 3 y/b
2014-CZ-0072; -0078; -A13230

Group "MM" - July 5 and/or 6, 2014
1. Frank Otta (Saturday 5.7.) 14.31 6 y/b
2014-KCHT-4104; -4105; -4110; -4112; -4113; -4117
2. Petr Kubíček (Sunday 6.7.) 9.05 3 y/b
2014-KCHT-4301; -4307; -4313
3. Roman Čermák (Sunday 6.7.) 7.11 9 y/b
2014-KCHT-4352; -4353; -4355; -4356; 2014-CZ-0069; -0074; -0079; -0165; -0166
- Frank Otta (Sunday 6.7.) 8.10 3 y/b
2014-KCHT-4103; -4111; -4118
DQ notes:
Fly notes:
5.7. Roman Čermák - flew his PB in the season's 4th competiton weekend.
Sunday temepratures exceeded the +30°C mark.

Group "MK" - June 21, 2014 - Long Day
1. Frank Otta 18.06
new Czech record
2012-KCHT-9104; -9109; -9112
2. Roman Čermák 7.20 2.1
2012-CZ--B5992; -B5995; -B5998
- Ladislav Svoboda DQ 3.2
2012-KCHT-9254; -9298; -9276; 2013-KCHT-3189; -3209

Group "MM" - June 21 and/or 22, 2014
1. Roman Čermák (Sunday 12.6.) 11.22 5 y/b
2014-CZ-0072; -0078; -0079; -0166; -A13230
- Ladislav Svoboda (Sunday 22.6.) DQ 0.3
2011-CZ-C8465; -C8467; 2011-KCHT-9268
- Míla Kvočka (Saturday 21.6.) DQ 3 y/b
2014-KCHT-4072; -4077; -4078
- Jakub Goppold (Saturday 21.6.) DQ 3 y/b
DQ notes:
21.6. Ladislav Svoboda - time 13.39 / disqualified per Article VIII. of the Rules
21.6. Jakub Goppold - 60 minutes rule (after hawk strike) and Article VIII. of the Rules
21.6. Míla Kvočka - 60 minutes rule
22.6. Ladislav Svoboda - time 10.10 / disqualified per Article VIII. of the Rules
Fly notes:
21.6. Frank Otta - flew his personal best and, at the same time, new Czech record
22.6. Roman Čermák - flew his PB in the season's 3rd competiton weekend and, at the same time, his first "TEN"
Cool weather was on our side this weekend

Group "MK" - May 17, 2014
1. Ladislav Svoboda 12.38 5.0
2012-KCHT-9254; -9276; -9298; 2013-KCHT-3189; -3209
2. Frank Otta 11.28 1.2
2012-KCHT-9104; -9109; -9112
3. Roman Čermák 3.50 3.0
2012-CZ-B5995; -B5998; 2010-KCHT-313

Group "MM" - May 17 and/or 18, 2014
1. Frank Otta (Sunday 18.5.) 11.26 3.4
2012-KCHT- 9105; -9110; -9136; 2012-CZ-1586; 2013-KCHT-3165; -3167; -3168
2. Roman Čermák (Sunday 18.5.) 5.08 1.2
2013-CZ-B5990; -B5992; -B5993
3. Ladislav Svoboda (Sunday 18.5.) 4.38 0.4
2011-CZ-C8464; -C8465; -C8467; 2012-KCHT-9268
DQ notes:
Fly notes:
18.5. Roman Čermák flew his PB in the season's 2nd competiton weekend
The weekend was cold and rainy

Group "MK" - April 19, 2014
1. Frank Otta 14.59 1.2
2012-KCHT-9104; -9109; -9112
- Ladislav Svoboda DQ 5.0
2012-KCHT-9254; -9276; -9298; 2013-KCHT-3189; -3209

Group "MM" - April 19 and/or 20, 2014
1. Frank Otta (Sunday 20.4.) 11.00 3.4
2013-KCHT-3162; -3164; -3276; -3277; -3282; -3285; - 3286
2. Roman Čermák (Sunday 20.4.) 6.21 2.1
2013-CZ-B5992; -B5995; -B5998
3. Ladislav Svoboda (Sunday 20.4.) 4.42 0.4
2011-CZ-8464; -8465; -8467; 2012-CZ-9268
DQ notes:
19.4. Ladislav Svoboda - 4 birds went over
Fly notes:
20.4. Roman Čermák flew his PB for the season's 1st competiton weekend


old bird series - Group "MK"
(the winner recieves a cup)
placed name 20.4. aggregate
1. L.Svoboda 13.19 8.25 8.07 29 hours 51 minutes
2. F.Otta x 16.11 DQ 16 hours 11 minutes
- P.Žák DQ x x 0 hours 0 minutes
- M.Kvočka x x DQ 0 hours 0 minutes
old bird series - Group "MM"
placed name 20.- 21.4. 18.- 19.5.15.- 16.6. aggregate
1. L.Svoboda 12.21 13.38 15.22 41 hours 21 minutes
2. F.Otta 15.01 DQ x 15 hours 01 minutes
3. P.Žák x x 7.34 7 hours 34 minutes
4. M.Kvočka x 3.49 x 3 hours 49 minutes
- P.Kubíček x x DQ 0 hours 0 minutes

young birds series - Group "MK" (the winner recieves a cup)
placed name 6.7. 7.9.aggregate
1.F.Otta14.18 7.32 6.288.10 36 hours 28 minutes
2.L.Svobodax 0.37 4.073.59 8 hours 43 minutes
young birds series - Group "MM"
placed name 6.- 7.7. 27.- 28.7.17.- 18.8. 7.- 8.9.aggregate
1.F.Otta13.33 x x8.30 22 hours 01 minutes
2.P.Žákx x 7.123.17 10 hours 29 minutes
3.J.Pavlišx x 2.574.15 7 hours 12 minutes
4.L.Svobodax DQ x7.07 7 hours 07 minutes
5.P.Kubíčekx x x5.39 5 hours 39 minutes
6.M.Kvočkax 1.37 DQ3.52 5 hours 29 minutes
-J.Veselýx x xDQ 0 hours 0 minutes

old and young bird aggregate in group "MM" (the winner receives a cup)
placed name20.- 21.4. 18.- 19.5.15.- 16.6.6.- 7.7. 27.- 28.7.17.- 18.8. 7.- 8.9.aggregate
1.L.Svoboda12.21 13.38 15.22 x DQx7.07 48 hours 28 minutes
2.F.Otta15.01 DQ x13.33 xx8.30 37 hours 34 minutes
3.P.Žákx x 7.34x x7.123.17 18 hours 03 minutes
4.M.Kvočkax 3.49 xx 1.37DQ3.52 9 hours 18 minutes
5.J.Pavlišx x xx x2.574.15 7 hours 12 minutes
6.P.Kubíčekx x DQx xx5.39 5 hours 39 minutes
-J.Veselýx x xx xxDQ 0 hours 0 minutes

The time statistics include only succesfully completed flies in both groups (MK and MM) - DQes are not included, there were 8 of them this year :

number of club members (honorary members not included) : 12
number of members who participated in at least one competiton : 7
percentage of participating members : 58%
aggregate number of participations : 35
aggregate number of tipplers in the air : 148
aggregate time flown : 216 hours 45 minutes
average time flown per participant : 36 hours 08 minutes
average time flown per participation : 8 hours 20 minutes

information on BOP strikes in 2013 (not part of statisitcs):
number of tipplers caught by BOPs during competitions: 5 (more losses are of course during trainings, however they are not listed here)

personal bests (achieved in 2013):
J.Pavliš 4.15 y/b (7.9.2013)
P.Kubíček 5.39 y/b (7.9.2013)

personal bests for a particular fly date:
L.Svoboda 13.19 o/b (first fly of the season - 20.4.2013)
F.Otta 14.30 o/b (first fly of the season - 20.4.2013)
F.Otta 16.11 o/b (second fly of the season - 18.5.2013)


Group "MK" - September 7, 2013
1. Frank Otta 8.10 7 y/b
2013-KCHT-3262; -3273; -3276; -3277; -3282; -3285; -3286
2. Ladislav Svoboda 3.59 3 y/b
2013-KCHT-3191; -3205; -3209

Group "MM" - September 7 and/or 8, 2013
1. Frank Otta (Sunday 8.9.) 8.30 5 y/b
2013-KCHT-3266; -3280; -3281; - 3283; - 3284
2. Ladislav Svoboda (Sunday 8.9.) 7.07 3 y/b
2013-KCHT-3202; -3203; -3208
3. Petr Kubíček (Saturday 7.9.) 5.39 3 y/b
2013-CZ-B690; -B691; -B696
4. Jaroslav Pavliš (Saturday 7.9.) 4.15 3 y/b
2013-KCHT-3216; -3222; -3223
5. Míla Kvočka (Sunday 8.9.) 3.52 3 y/b
2013-KCHT-3088; -3102; -3105
6. Petr Žák (Saturday 7.9.) 3.17 3 y/b
2013-KCHT-3119; -3125; -3126
7. Míla Kvočka (Saturday 7.9.) 2.15 3 y/b
2013-KCHT-3036; -3077; -3081
- Josef Veselý (Saturday 7.9.) DQ 4 y/b
DQ notes:
7.9. Josef Veselý - BOP strike at 11:15, loss of a tippler and 60 mins rule
Fly notes:
7.9. Jaroslav Pavliš flew his PB.
7.9. Petr Kubíček flew his PB.
Concerning participation, a beautiful end of the 2013 season.
Just one DQ is not bad either.

Group "MK" - August 17, 2013
1. Frank Otta 6.28 4 y/b
2013-KCHT-3264; -3266; -3275; -3277
2. Ladislav Svoboda 4.07 5 y/b
2013-KCHT-3202; -3203; -3205; -3208; -3209

Group "MM" - August 17 and/or 18, 2013
1. Petr Žák (Saturday 17.8.) 7.12 3 y/b
2013-KCHT-3123; -3129; -3130
2. Jaroslav Pavliš (Saturday 17.8.) 2.57 3 y/b
2013-KCHT-3216; -3222; -3223
- Míla Kvočka (Sunday 18.8.) DQ 5 y/b
2013-KCHT-3081; -3084; -3086; -3088; -3110
DQ notes:
18.8. Míla Kvočka - DQ 60 minutes after hawk strike.
Fly notes:
Again a hot weekend - temperatures reached 30°C.
With one exception, all competing fliers experienced a self-drop of one or more tipplers.

Group "MK" - July 27, 2013
1. Frank Otta 7.32 9 y/b
2013-CZ-0177; 2013-KCHT-3264; -3266; -3269; -3271; -3275; -3277; -3280; -3281
2. Ladislav Svoboda 0.37 4 y/b
2013-KCHT-3202; -3203; -3205; -3207;

Group "MM" - July 27 and/or 28, 2013
1. Míla Kvočka (Sunday 28.7.) 1.37 5 y/b
2013-KCHT-3081; -3084; -3086; -3088; -3093
- Ladislav Svoboda (Sunday 28.7.) DQ N/A
DQ notes:
28.7. Ladislav Svoboda - missing birds in previous training - could not put up a kit
Fly notes:
28.7. Míla Kvočka - hawk took one competiong bird. Article IV. / Paragraph 6 of ITF rules was utilized, 4 birds completed the fly
Once again a tropical weekend - 27.7. ČHMÚ recorded 38°C.

Group "MK" - July 6, 2013
1. Frank Otta 14.18 3 y/b
2013-KCHT-3275; -3280; -3281

Group "MM" - July 6 and/or 7, 2013
1. Frank Otta (Sunday 7.7.) 13.33 4 y/b
2013-KCHT-3264; -3269; -3277; 2013-CZ-0177
DQ notes:
Fly notes:

Group "MK" - June 15, 2013
1. Ladislav Svoboda 8.07 0.3
11-CZ-C8464; -C8465; -C8467
- Míla Kvočka DQ 0.3
2012-KCHT-9439; -9445; -9453
- Frank Otta DQ 2.1
2011-KCHT-591; -599; 2012-KCHT-9104

Group "MM" - June 15 and/or 16, 2013
1. Ladislav Svoboda (Sunday 16.6.) 15.22 3.1
2012-KCHT-9254; -9268; -9276; -9298
2. Petr Žák (Saturday 15.6. y/b) 7.34 3 y/b
2013-KCHT-3123; -3129; -3130
- Petr Kubíček (Saturday 15.6. y/b) DQ 3 y/b
2013-CZ-B683; -B696; -B698
DQ notes:
15.6. Míla Kvočka - 2 birds missing after hawk strikes, only one of the kit survived
15.6. Petr Kubíček - 60 minutes rule
15.6. Frank Otta - 60 minutes rule
Fly notes:

Group "MK" - May 18, 2013
1. Frank Otta 16.11 1.2
2011-KCHT-575; -599; 2012-KCHT-9104
2. Ladislav Svoboda 8.25 0.5
11-CZ-C8464; -C8465; -C8467; 2012-KCHT-9261; -9275

Group "MM" - May 18 and/or 19, 2013
1. Ladislav Svoboda (Sunday 19.5.) 13.38 4.1
2012-KCHT-9254; -9268; -9276; -9286; -9298
2. Míla Kvočka (Sunday 19.5.) 3.49 0.3
2012-KCHT-9453; -9455; -9456
3. Míla Kvočka (Saturday 18.5.) 0.8 3.0
2011-KCHT-177; -194; 2012-KCHT-9444
- Frank Otta (Sunday 19.5.) DQ 2.1
2011-KCHT-591; -594; 2012-KCHT-9107
DQ notes:
19.5. Frank Otta - the kit not seen for longer than the allowed first two hours after liberation
Fly notes:
18.5. Frank Otta - flew his personal best for May

Group "MK" - Saturday April 20, 2013
1. Ladislav Svoboda 13.19 0.5
11-CZ-C8464; -C8465; -C8467; 2012-KCHT-9261; -9275
- Petr Žák DQ - - -

Group "MM" - Saturday and/or Sunday April 20 - 21, 2013
1. Frank Otta (Saturday 20.4.) 15.01 1.2
2011-KCHT-575; -599; 2012-KCHT-9104
2. Frank Otta (Sunday 21.4.) 14.30 4.1
2011-KCHT-591; -594; 2012-KCHT-9146; -9207; 12-CZ-0216
3. Ladislav Svoboda (Sunday 21.4.) 12.21 4.1
2012-KCHT; -9254; -9268; -9276; -9286; -9298
DQ notes:
20.4. Petr Žák - kit not liberated
Fly notes:
20.4. Ladislav Svoboda - flew his personal best for April
20.4. Frank Otta - flew his personal best for the April


Starting the 2012 season, our Club members may chose from two separate groups (group "MK" and group "MM") to compete in.
Participants in group "MK" (club championship) compete strictly per the NTU rules;
one exception: we do not set our watches to the BBC time :-)
Participants in group "MM" (small championship) compete per the I.T.F. or the NTU rules - this means, among others, the participants may chose the fly day from the fly weekend schedule and can also fly the honor system.

(The statistics includes both groups (MK and MM) and succesfully completed flies - DQes are not included, there were 12 of them this year)

number of club members (honorary members not included) : 12
number of members who participated in at least one competiton : 7
percentage of participating members : 58%
aggregate number of participations : 25
aggregate number of tipplers in the air : 83
aggregate time flown : 182 hours 39 minutes
average time flown per participant : 26 hours 06 minutes
average time flown per participation : 7 hours 31 minutes


old bird series - group "MK"
(the winner recieves a cup)
placed name 21.4. aggregate
1. F.Otta 14.05 15.58 12.13 42 hours 16 minutes
2. P.Žák x x 8.15 8 hours 15 minutes
3. L.Svoboda x x 7.47 7 hours 47 minutes
4. J.Veselý 5.35 DQ x 5 hours 35 minutes
old bird series - group "MM"
placed name 21.-22.4. 19.-20.5.16.-17.6. aggregate
1. L.Svoboda 8.49 15.45 x 24 hours 34 minutes
2. M.Kvočka 1.15 x x 1 hours 15 minutes

young bird series - group "MK" (the winner recieves a cup)
placed name 30.6. 1.9.aggregate
1.F.Otta10.31 15.15 DQ10.00 35 hours 46 minutes
2.L.SvobodaDQ 9.34 13.34DQ 23 hours 8 minutes
3.J.GoppoldDQ 10.26 xx 10 hours 26 minutes
4.J.VeselýDQ DQ xx 0 hours 0 minutes
young bird series - group "MM"
placed name 30.6.-1.7. 21.-22.7.11.-12.8. 1.-2.9.aggregate
1.J.Goppoldx x 9.02x 9 hours 2 minutes
2.J.Veselýx x 6.05DQ 6 hours 5 minutes
3.J.Žákx x x3.23 3 hours 23 minutes
4.J.Pavliš2.28 x 0.12x 2 hours 40 minutes
5.M.Kvočkax 0.13 0.15x 0 hours 28 minutes
6.L.Svobodax DQ xDQ 0 hours 0 minutes
7.F.Ottax DQ xx 0 hours 0 minutes

old and young bird aggregate in group "MM" (the winner recieves a cup)
placed name21.-22.4. 19.-20.5.16.- 21.-22.7.11.-12.8. 1.-2.9.aggregate
1.L.Svoboda8.49 15.45 x x DQxDQ 24 hours 34 minutes
2.J.Goppoldx x xx x9.02x 9 hours 2 minutes
3.J.Veselýx x xx x6.05DQ 6 hours 5 minutes
4.P.Žákx x xx xx3.23 3 hours 23 minutes
5.J.Pavlišx x x2.28 x0.12x 2 hours 40 minutes
6.M.Kvočka1.15 x xx 0.130.15x 1 hour 43 minutes
7.F.Ottax x xx DQxx 0 hours 0 minutes


Group "MK" - September 1, 2012
1. Frank Otta 10.00 3 y/b
2012-KCHT-9139; -9141; 12-CZ-0212
- Ladislav Svoboda DQ 3 y/b
2012-KCHT-9151; -9154; -9168

Group "MM" - September 1, and/or 2, 2012
1. Petr Žák (Saturday 1.9.) 3.23 3 y/b
2012-KCHT-9037; -9039; -9043
- Josef Veselý (Saturday 11.8.) DQ N/A
- Ladislav Svoboda (Sunday 2.9.) DQ 4 y/b
2012-KCHT-9253; -9261; -9276; -9286
DQ notes:
1.9. Ladislav Svoboda - kit out of sight from 6:45 am till 8:30 am
1.9. Josef Veselý - kit not liberated
2.9. Ladislav Svoboda - kit did not take to their wings per rules

Group "MK" - August 11, 2012
1. Ladislav Svoboda 13.34 5 y/b
2012-KCHT-9251; -9253; -9254; -9268; -9284
- Frank Otta DQ 3 y/b
2012-KCHT-9132; -9136; -9146

Group "MM" - August 11 and/or 12, 2012
1. Jakub Goppold (Saturday 11.8.) 9.02 3 y/b
2012-KCHT-9381; -9382; -9388
2. Josef Veselý (Saturday 11.8.) 6.05 4 y/b
2012-KCHT-9005; -9009; -9014; -9016
3. Míla Kvočka (Saturday 11.8.) 0.15 3 y/b
2012-KCHT-9437; -9442; -9460
4. Jaroslav Pavliš (Sunday 12.8.) 0.12 3 y/b
2012-KCHT-9307; -9308; -9309
- Jaroslav Pavliš (Sunday 11.8.) DQ 3 y/b
2012-KCHT-9301; -9302; -9305
DQ notes:
11.8. Jaroslav Pavliš - kit not liberated, constant rain
11.8. Frank Otta - from 12:47 pm kit out of sight for longer than the allowed 60 minutes
Fly notes:
11.8. Ladislav Svoboda - flown his "first ten". Congratulations, Flyboy !

Group "MK" - July 21, 2012
1. Frank Otta 15.15 4 y/b
2012-KCHT-9105; -9109; -9110; -9112
2. Jakub Goppold 10.26 3 y/b
2012-KCHT-9381; -9382; -9388
3. Ladislav Svoboda 9.34 3 y/b
2012-KCHT-9251; -9254; -9268
- Josef Veselý DQ 5 y/b
2012-KCHT-9001; -9002; -9008; -9015; -9016

Group "MM" - July 21 and/or 22, 2012
1. Míla Kvočka (Sunday 22.7.) 0.13 4 y/b
2012-KCHT-9434; -9450; -9457; -9460
2. Míla Kvočka (Saturday 21.7.) 0.11 3 y/b
2012-KCHT-9437; -9432; -9455
- Ladislav Svoboda (Sunday 22.7.) DQ 3 y/b
2012-KCHT-9253; -9261; -9273
- Frank Otta (Sunday 22.7.) DQ 7 y/b
2012-KCHT-9004; -9107; -9113; -9114; -9122; -9123; -9124
DQ notes:
21.7. Josef Veselý - after liberation, fog came into the arera and the visual contact with the kit was lost for period longer that the allowed 30 minutes
22.7. Frank Otta - kit not liberated, heavy rain
22.7. Ladislav Svoboda - kit not liberated
Fly notes:
21.7. Jakub Goppold - flown his "first ten". Congratulations, Flyboy !
21. + 22. 7. Míla Kvočka - hawk does not allow proper training. His youngters were liberated hardly settled
21.7. Frank Otta - flew his y/b PB of 15.15

Group "MK" - June 30, 2012 - International Y/B Fly
1. Frank Otta 10.31 3 y/b
2012-KCHT-9104; -9120; -9124
- Ladislav Svoboda DQ 4 y/b
2012-KCHT-9251; -9252; -9261; -9268
- Jakub Goppold DQ 3 y/b
2012-KCHT-9381; -9382; -9383

Group "MM" - June 30 and/or July 1, 2012
1. Jaroslav Pavliš (Sunday 1.7.) 2.28 3 y/b
2012-KCHT-9307; -9308; -9309
2. Jaroslav Pavliš (Saturday 30.6.) 1.48 3 y/b
2012-KCHT-9301; -9302; -9304
DQ notes:
30.6. Ladislav Svoboda - kit out of sight longer tha allowed 60 minutes
30.6. Jakub Goppold - hawk took one of his young birds in flight
Fly notes:
This competiton weekend, again, the temperatures were unbelievably hot in our area. For instance, the meteo-station in Hradec Králové measured on June 30, at 5:34 pm, the highest temprature of the day, 37,5°C

Group "MK" - June 16, 2012 - Long Day
1. Frank Otta 12.13 0.3
2010-KCHT-374; -375; 2011-KCHT-581
2. Petr Žák 8.15 3.0
2010-KCHT-255; -244; 2011-KCHT-461
3. Ladislav Svoboda 7.47 0.3
11-CZ-C8464; -C8465; -C8467
Fly notes:
Our Club's aggregate time was 28 hours a 15 minutes
No member listed for the MM Group competiton participation this weekend
This competiton weekend, the temperatures were unbelievably hot in our area. For instance, the meteo-station in Hradec Králové measured on June 16, at 3:41 pm, the highest temprature of the day, 35,5°C

Group "MK" - May 19, 2012
1. Frank Otta 15.58 3.0
10-CZ-1416; 2011-KCHT-559; -591
- Josef Veselý DQ 2.2
2011-KCHT-301; -306; -335; -353

Group "MM" - May 19 and/or 20, 2012
1. Ladislav Svoboda (Saturday 19.5.) 15.45 0.3
11-CZ-C8443; -C8464; -C8465
- Ladislav Svoboda (Sunday 20.5.) 8.05 2.1
11-CZ-C8456; -C8466; -C8467
DQ notes:
19.5. Josef Veselý - five minutes after libaration, hawk stroke and caught on of the competing birds. All tipplers on Josef's kit were sprayed with flurescent paint of the type that is advertised as protection against birds of prey.

Group "MK" - April 21, 2012
1. Frank Otta 14.05 2.1
2010-KCHT-375; 2011-KCHT-590; -598
2. Josef Veselý 5.35 2.4
2011-KCHT-301; -306; -335; -350; -352; -353

GRoup "MM" - 21 and/or 22, 2012
1. Ladislav Svoboda (Sunday 22.4.) 8.49 2.1
11-CZ-C8456; -C8466; -C8467
2. Míla Kvočka (Sunday 22.4.) 1.15 3.0
2011-KCHT-163; -193; -198
- Ladislav Svoboda (Saturday 21.4.) DQ 1.2
11-CZ-C8443; -C8464; -C8465
DQ notes:
21.4. (Saturday) Ladislav Svoboda - the fly was per rules from 5:45 am till 8:15 pm when the dropping signal was given. The kit did not respond and last was seen still together at 8:55 pm. Unfortunately, the birds were not under control for the ring check within the time allowed by the rules. The kit went over and birds returning the following day probably influenced the duration of Ladislav's Sunday fly.



Only the following 2011 results are available. The rest of the 2011 individual results and the overall review of the 2011 results are not known.

May 21 - 22, 2011
1. Míla Tlučhoř (21.5.)
honor system
15.25 2.1
2010-KCHT-553; -561; -580
- Míla Tlučhoř (22.5.)
čestný systém
DQ - 60 minutes 0.3
2010-KCHT-573; -574; 2009-CZ-B7497
- Sabidin Tafallari (21.5.)
referee - V. Německý
DQ - time of the ring check came earlier than the time of the kit dropping time. The competitor and his referee signed this and repetad this information in the "report part" of the Fly Sheet. 3.0
2010-KCHT-407; -722; 2010-CZ-09/B7?51 (? = overwritten number in the Fly Sheet)
- Frank Otta (21.5.)
čestný systém
DQ - kit not liberated 3.2
2010-KCHT-374; -391; -396; 2010-CZ-B9234; 2010-CZ-1417
- Frank Otta (22.5.)
rozhodčí - Josef Beran
DQ - kit liberated 3.2
2010-KCHT-374; -391; -396; 2010-CZ-B9234; 2010-CZ-1417

April 23 - 24, 2011
1. Sabidin Tafallari (24.4.)
referee - V. Německý
15.44 3.0
2010-KCHT-407; -422; 2010-CZ-09/B7551
2. Míla Tlučhoř (24.4.)
honor system
13.05 0.3
2010-KCHT-435; 2009-CZ-F7160; -B7497
3. Frank Otta (24.4.)
referee - Josef Beran
12.28 1.3
2010-KCHT-374; -396; 2010-CZ-B9211; -B9234
4. Míla Tlučhoř (23.4.)
honor system
12.13 1.2
2010-KCHT-573; -574; -837
- Míla Kvočka (24.4.)
honor system
multiple hawk strike
2009-KCHT-019; 2010-KCHT-842; 2010-CZ-8927;



old bird series
placed name town 1st fly 2nd fly3rd fly aggregate
1. M. Tlučhoř Obořiště 13:04 16:09 x 29:13
2. F.Otta Hradec Králové 8:01 DQ - 60 minutes 13:01 21:02
3. S.Tafallari Dolní Dvořiště anulled anulled 18:01
Czech record
NOT flown to the NTU/DFU rules
4. K.Czyž Frýdek-Místek x DQ - hawk 16:20 16:20
5. V.Malaska Bohuňovice x x 8:03 8:03
6. L.Chládek Dolní Dobrouč 6:35 x x 6:35
- F.Rotta Rumburk DQ - hawk x x x
- J.Zábranský Radešín anulled anulled x x
- J.Veselý Úpice x DQ - hawk x x
- J.Goppold Městečko Trnávka x DQ - hawk x x

young bird series
placed name town 4th fly 5th fly6th fly 7th flyaggregate
1.M. TlučhořObořiště 7:02 x 10:3211:22 28:56
2.F. Otta Hradec Králové 8:10 1:03 4:117:4421:08
3.D. HomolaOstrava 4:20 x DQ - hawk 8:04 12:24
4.K. Czyž Frýdek-Místek 11:54 DQ - hawkDQ - jhawk DQ - hawk11:54
5.M. Kvočka Jablonec n.Nisou 5:05 2:23 3:35 DQ - 70 meters 11:03
-S. Tafallari Dolní Dvořiště DQ - start DQ - 70 meters x DQ - 70 meters x
-J. Motyka Návsí x x DQ - 60 minutes x x

September 4 - 5, 2010
1. Míla Tlučhoř
honor system
11.22 3 y/b
2010-KCHT-554; 555; 566
2. Dalibor Homola
honor system
8.04 3 y/b
2010-KCHT-198; 199; 2010-CZ-7B8944
3. Frank Otta
referee - Josef Beran
7.44 3 y/b
2010-KCHT-313; 316; 391
- Karel Czyž
honor system
DQ - hawk 3 y/b
466; 461; 477
- Míla Kvočka
honor system
DQ - 70 meters rule 4 y/b
2010-KCHT-846; 847; 2010-CZ-8297; 8930
- Sabidin Tafallari
honor system
DQ - 60 minutes rule 4 y/b
2010-KCHT-422; 428; 430; 433; 450
- Pavel Motyka
excused himself - was ill ...

August 14 - 15, 2010
1. Míla Tlučhoř
honor system
10.32 4 y/b
2010-KCHT-554; 555; 562; 566
2. Frank Otta
referee - Josef Beran
4.11 3 y/b
2010-KCHT-306; 313; 2010-CZ-B9201
3. Míla Kvočka
honor system
3.35 3 y/b - 1.2
2010-KCHT-846; 2010-CZ-8297; 8930
- Karel Czyž
honor system
DQ - hawk 3 y/b
466; 457; 491
- Pavel Motyka
referee - Josef Sikora
DQ - 60 minutes rule during heavy thunderstorm 4 y/b
2010-KCHT-503; 511; 528; 539
- Dalibor Homola
honor system
DQ - hawk 6 y/b
2010-KCHT-092; 094; 098; 099; 196; 197
- Sabidin Tafallari excused himself - was ill ...
- Václav Gaudl kit not liberated - morning fog ...

July 24 - 25, 2010
1. Mila Kvocka
honor system
2.23 4 y/b
2010-CZ-8297; 8930; 2010-KCHT-845; 846
2. Frank Otta
referee - Josef Beran
1.03 7 y/b
2010-KCHT-303; 304; 309; 313; 316; 329; 381
- Karel Czyz
honor system
DQ - hawk 3 y/b
2010-KCHT-462; 484; 488
- Sabidin Tafallari
honor system
DQ - 70 meters rule 4 y/b
2010-KCHT-449; 430; 431; 436
- Mila Tluchor
honor system
- excused
- Jakub Goppold
honor system
- kit not liberated - storm and heavy rain

July 3 - 4, 2010
1. Karel Czyz
referee - honor system
11.54 3 y/b
2010-KCHT-461; 465; 463
2. Frank Otta
referee - Josef Beran
8.10 3 y/b
2010-KCHT-301; 309; 381
3. Mila Tluchor
referee - honor system
7.02 3 y/b
2010-KCHT-554; 555; 556
4. Mila Kvocka
referee - honor system
5.05 4 y/b
2010-CZ-A5297; 2010-KCHT-844; 845; 846
5. Dalibor Homola
referee - Petr Pesat
4.20 4 y/b
2010-KCHT-094; 097; 098; 099
- Sabidin Tafallari
referee - V. Nemecky
DQ - one bird did not take off after liberation 5 y/b
2010-KCHT-402; 406; 408; 435; 450

June 19 - 20, 2010 - Long Day
old birds
1. Sabidin Tafallari
referee - V. Nemecky
Czech Record
NOT flown to the NTU/DFU rules
2.1 old birds
2009-CZ-B7711; B7724; 2009-KCHT-705
2. Karel Czyz
referee - honor system
16.20 3.0 old birds
2009-KCHT-311; 312; 320
3. Frank Otta
referee - honor system
13.01 0.3 old birds
2009-CZ-C619; 2009-KCHT-291; 296
4. Vaclav Malaska
referee - M. Coufal
8.03 4.0 old birds
2009-CZ-6597; 6587; 6574; 6580
young birds
1. Míla Tlučhoř
referee - honor system
6.15 3 young birds
2009-KCHT-554; 555; 556

May 22 - 23, 2010
1. Mila Tluchor
referee - honor system
16.09 0.3 o/b
2009-CZ-F7160, F7162; F7166
- Josef Vesely
referee - honor system
DQ - hawk 0.3 o/b
2009-CZ-6492; 563; 2009-KCHT-756
- Karel Czyz
referee - honor system
DQ - hawk 0.3 o/b
2008-KCHT-036; 037; 011
- Jakub Goppold
referee - honor system
DQ - hawk ??? o/b
- Frank Otta
referee - Josef Beran
DQ - 60 minutes rule 0.3 o/b
2009-CZ-C619; 2009-KCHT-291; 296
- Josef Zabransky
referee - Mir. Ponert
DQ - wrong timesheet used 3.0 o/b
2009-CZ-3654; 2009-KCHT-021; 2008-KCHT-077
- Sabidin Tafallari
referee - V. Nemecky
DQ - wrong timesheet used 2.1 o/b
2009-CZ-7711; 7724; 2009-KCHT-705

April 24 - 25, 2010
1. Mila Tluchor
referee - Oleg Karlev
13.04 0.3 o/b
2009-CZ-F7160, F7162; F7166
2. Frank Otta
referee - Josef Beran
8.01 3.2 o/b
2009-KCHT-266, 291, 296, 2009-CZ-C619, A4218
3. Ladislav Chladek
honor system
6.35 4.0 o/b
2009-KCHT-206, 210, 212, 214,
- Frantisek Rotta
honor system
DQ ? o/b
one bird went to a tree at liberation
- Josef Zabransky
referee - Mir. Ponert
DQ - wrong timesheet used 5.0 o/b
2008-KCHT-077, 2009-KCHT-021, 2009-CZ-3628, 3632, 2007-KCHT-135
- Sabidin Tafallari
referee - Vaclav Nemecky
DQ - wrong timesheet used 0.4 o/b
2009-KCHT-388, 735, 2009-CZ-7545, 7724



old bird series:
placed name town 1st fly 2nd fly3rd fly aggregate
1. J.Zabransky Radosin 13:24 15:12 12:46 41:22
2. L.Chladek Dolni Dobrouc 6:40 12:09 13:10 31:59
3. V.Gaudl Rumburk 4:15 x 16:20 20:35
4. F.Rotta Rumburk 7:03 6:55 6:32 20:30
5. V.Malaska Bohunovice x x 15:19 15:19
6. F.Otta Hradec Kralové 14:45 DQ DQ 14:45
7. J.Goppold Mestecko Trnavka 3:25 x x 3:25

young bird series:
placed name town 4th fly 5th fly6th fly 7th flyaggregate
1.L. Chladek Dolni Dobrouc 14:22 13:10 11:0710:32 49:11
2.F. Otta Hradec Kralove 14:28 11:16 7:19x33:03
3.J. ZabranskyRadesin x DQ 11:50 8:31 20:21
4.V. Gaudl Rumburk 7:15 10:12DQ x17:27
5.F. Rotta Rumburk 4:15 DQ 5:30 DQ 9:45
6.M. Kvocka Jablonec n.Nisou x DQ 3:42 4:12 7:54
7.J. Goppold Mestecko Trnavka x x x 3:30 3:30
8.S. Tafallari Ceske Velenice x x x DQ -


August 29 - 30, 2009
1. Ladislav Chladek
referee - Frantisek Vacek
10.32 3 y/b
2009-KCHT-212, 214, 217
2. Josef Zabransky
referee - Miroslav Ponert
8.31 4 y/b
2009-KCHT-042, 044; 2009-CSCH-3638, 3650
3. Mila Kvocka
4.12 3 y/b
2009-KCHT-014, 017, 020
4. Jakub Goppold
3.30 3 y/b
2009-KCHT-101, 102, 104
- Frantisek Rotta
DQ hawk
- Sabidin Tafallari
DQ 60 minutes after dark rule

August 15 - 16, 2009
1. Josef Zabransky
referee - Miroslav Ponert
11.50 3 y/b
2009-KCHT-021, 022, 024
2. Ladislav Chladek
11.07 4 y/b
2009-KCHT-212, 215, 217, 218
3. Frank Otta
referee - Josef Beran, Jiri Kulic
7.19 3 y/b
2009-KCHT-262, 266, 269
4. Frantisek Rotta
5.30 3 y/b
2009-KCHT-171, 174, 404
5. Mila Kvocka
3.42 3 y/b
2009-KCHT-014, 017, 020
- Vaclav Gaudl
- Sabidin Tafallari

July 25 - 26, 2009
1. Ladislav Chladek
referee - Frantisek Vacek
14.22 3 y/b
2009-KCHT-202, 210, 211
2. Frank Otta
referee - Josef Beran
11.16 3 y/b
2009-KCHT-262, 266, 269
3. Vaclav Gaudl
10.22 4 y/b
2009-KCHT- 503, 506, 507, 552
- Mila Kvocka
- Frantisek Rotta
- Josef Zabransky

July 4 - 5, 2009 - International Y/B Fly
1. Frank Otta
referee - Josef Beran
14.28 3 y/b
2009-KCHT-257, 269, 270
2. Ladislav Chladek
referee - Frantisek Vacek
13.10 3 y/b
2009-KCHT-203, 210, 211
3. Vaclav Gaudl
7.15 3 y/b
2009-KCHT-521, 551, 586
4. Frantisek Rotta
4.15 3 y/b
2009-KCHT-171, 174, 404

June 20 - 21, 2009 - Long Day
old birds
1. Vaclav Gaudl
referee - Jar. Cizek
16.20 3.0 o/b
2008-KCHT-132, 134, 244
2. Vaclav Malaska
referee - Marek Coufal
15.19 5.0 o/b
2008-CZ-1408, 1420, 1439, 1440, 1555
3. Ladislav Chladek
referee - Frantisek Vacek
13.10 3.0 o/b
2008-KCHT-352, 354, 370
4. Josef Zabransky
referee - Miroslav Ponert
12.46 3.0 o/b
2007-KCHT-135, 210, 2008-KCHT-077
5. Frantisek Rotta
referee - Jana Ratczova
6.32 3.0 o/b
2008-KCHT-377, 383, 385
- Frank Otta
DQ 60 minutes after dark rule

young birds
1. Josef Zabransky
referee - Miroslav Pavlícek
12.15 4 y/b
2009-KCHT-021, 022, 024, 025
2. Frantisek Rotta
5.39 3 y/b
2009- KCHT-171, 174, 404
- Sabidin Tafallari
DQ two birds out of bounds
- Frank Otta
DQ delayed liberation

May 23 - 24, 2009
1. Josef Zabransky
referee - Miroslav Ponert
15.12 3.0 o/b
08-KCHT-077, 07-KCHT-135, 210
2. Ladislav Chladek
12.09 3.0 o/b
08-KCHT-352, 354, 370
3. Frantisek Rotta
6.55 3.0 o/b
08-KCHT-377, 383, 385
- Frank Otta
DQ one bird out of bounds

April 25 - 26, 2009
1. Frank Otta
referee - Josef Beran
14.45 3.1 o/b
05-CZ-678, 07-CZ-M2637, 08-CZ-G4050, 08-KCHT-419
2. Josef Zabransky
referee - Miroslav Ponert
13.24 3.0 o/b
08-KCHT-077, 07-KCHT-135, 210
3. Frantisek Rotta
7.03 3.0 o/b
08-KCHT-377, 383, 385
4. Ladislav Chladek
6.40 3.0 o/b
08-KCHT-352, 354, 370
5. Vaclav Gaudl
4.15 3.0 o/b
08-KCHT-244, 249, 287
6. Jakub Goppold
3.25 2.1 o/b
08-KCHT-172, CZ-2640, 07-CZ-641
- Mila Kvocka
DQ hawk



August 30 - 31, 2008
1. Josef Zabransky
13.05 hours 5 y/b
2008-KCHT-083; 087; 089; 095; 097
2. Vaclav Gaudl
11.25 hours 3 y/b
2008-KCHT-284; DFU-1744; 1749
3. Frank Otta
9.47 hours 7 y/b
2008-KCHT-403; 405; 406; 409; 413; 426; 429
4. Ladislav Chladek
7.52 hours 3 y/b
2008-KCHT-351; 357; 361
5. Frantisek Rotta
2.10 hours 3 y/b
2008-KCHT-372; 373; 383
- Mila Kvocka
DQ 1 bird dropped out of bounds
at 11.21 am
- Sabidin Tafallari
an accessing KCHT member
12.21 hours 4 y/b
2008-6-CZ-8891; 9861; 7443; 7442

August 16 - 17, 2008
1. Josef Zabransky
13.33 hours 4 y/b
2008-KCHT-084; 087; 089; 095
2. Frank Otta
12.30 hours 3 y/b
2008-KCHT-403; 413; 426
3. Míla Kvočka
11.40 hours 3 y/b
2008-KCHT-042; 050; 055
4. Pavel Motyka
7.57 hours 3 y/b
2008-KCHT-190; 198; 201
5. Václav Gaudl
7.10 hours 4 y/b
2008-KCHT-228; 231; 232; 246
6. Frantisek Rotta
1.20 hours 3 y/b
2008-KCHT-371; 373; 376
- Ladislav Chládek
DQ - start ? y/b
- Sabidin Tafallari
an accessing KCHT member
4.15 hours ? y/b

July 26 - 27, 2008
1. Karel Czyz
referee - Alex. Szabo
16.12 hours 3 y/b
2008-KCHT-05; 07; 09
2. Frank Otta
14.26 hours 3 y/b
2008-KCHT-403; 409; 413
3. Ladislav Chladek
11.32 hours 3 y/b
2008-KCHT-351; 357; 361
4. Pavel Motyka
9.58 hours 4 y/b
2008-KCHT-181; 182; 187; 188
5. Vaclav Gaudl
9.55 hours 4 y/b
2008-KCHT-231; 246; 249; 287
6. Frantisek Rotta
1.50 hours 6 y/b
2008-KCHT-371; 372; 373; 375; 376; 387
- Mila Kvocka
DQ (3:55) over the 60 minutes limit

July 5 - 6, 2008   -   International Y/B Fly
1. Vaclav Gaudl
14.21 hours 3 y/b
2008-KCHT-241; 243; 244
2. Mila Kvocka
referee - Klara Kubova
13.30 hours 3 y/b
2008-KCHT-047; 061; 062
3. Frank Otta
12.20 hours 3 y/b
2008-KCHT-403; 413; 420
4. Ladislav Chladek
10.45 hours 3 y/b
2008-KCHT-351; 352; 357
5. Frantisek Rotta
2.52 hours 6 y/b
2008-KCHT-373; 374; 375; 376; 380; 383
- Karel Czyz
DQ hawk attack
- Pavel Motyka
DQ hawk attack

June 21 - 22, 2008  -  Long Day Fly
old birds
1. Frank Otta - 21.6.2008
referee - Pavel Kouril
17.30 hours 3.0 o/b
2007-CZ-M2637; 2005-CZ-678; 2007-KCHT-018
2. Vaclav Gaudl - 21.6.2008
15.36 hours 3.0 o/b
2007-KCHT-243; 261; 267
3. Karel Czyz - 21.6.2008
referee - Alexander Szabo
14.40 hours 0.3 o/b
2006-TUA-703; 716; 727
4. Josef Vesely - 21.6.2008
11.32 hours 3.0 o/b
2004-CZ-9297, 2007-CZ-335; 7361

young birds
1. Pavel Motyka - 21.6.2008
16.01 hours 3 y/b
2008-KCHT-181; 187; 189
2. Josef Zabransky - 22.6.2008
referee - Mir. Ponert
13.40 hours 3 y/b
2008-KCHT-083; 089; 094
3. Vaclav Gaudl - 22.6.2008
10.22 hours 3 y/b
2008-DFU-1743; 1744; 1740
4. Frantisek Rotta - 22.6.2008
2.05 hours 3 y/b
2008-KCHT-173; 175; 176
- Ladislav Chladek - 21.6.2008
hawk attack - 2 birds missing - returned the following day
3 y/b
2008-KCHT-351; 352; 357
- Karel Czyz - 22.6.2008
referee - Alexander Szabo
hawk attack
3 y/b
2008-KCHT-002; 004; 008
- Mila Kvocka - 21.6.2008
hawk attack - 1 bird missing
3 y/b
2008-KCHT-042; 045; 052
- Frank Otta - 22.6.2008
referee - Pavel Hucik
over the 60 minutes limit
3 y/b
2008-KCHT-403; 405; 406

May 24 - 25, 2008
1. Frank Otta - 25.5.2008
16.10 hours 3.0 o/b
2007-CZ-M2637; 2005-CZ-678; 2007-KCHT-018
2. Josef Vesely - 24.5.2008
14.22 hours 3.0 o/b
2004-CZ-9297; 2007-CZ-335; 7361
3. Vaclav Gaudl - 24.5.2008
12.06 hours 3.0 o/b
2007-KCHT-243; 261; 267
4. Karel Czyz - 24.5.2008
referee - Alexander Szabo
10.32 hours 0.3 o/b
2007-KCHT-044; 057; 2006-TUA-703
5. Josef Zabransky
9.20 hours 3.0 o/b
2007-KCHT-125; 135; 210
6. Ladislav Chladek
8.35 hours 3.0 o/b
2007-CZ-918; 925; 2140

April 26 - 27, 2008
1. Karel Czyz - 27.4.2008
referee - Alexander Szabo
8.04 hours 0.3 o/b
2007-KCHT-044; -057; TUA-2006-703
2. Frank Otta - 26.4.2008
14.13 hours - DQ - overfly 3.0 o/b
2005-CZ-678; 2007-KCHT-018; 2007-CZ-M2637
- Ladislav Chladek
excused - illness -



September 1 - 2, 2007
1. Vojta Prepiak - 2.9.2007
referee - Emil Horák
12.27 hours 3 y/b
2007-CZ- A8409; -A8416; -A8411
2. Vaclav Gaudl - 2.9.2007
11.43 hours 4 y/b
2007-KCHT-234; -236; -240; -243
3. Josef Zabransky - 1.9.2007
referee - Mir. Ponert
10.55 hours 3 y/b
2007-KCHT-124; -125; -130
4. Pavel Motyka - 2.9.2007
referee - R. Tobola
5.47 hours 3 y/b
2007-CZ-A7012; -A7011; -B9297
5. Karel Czyz - 2.9.2007
4.49 hours 3 y/b
2007-KCHT-045; -047; -048
- Frank Otta
DQ over the 60 minutes limit

August 11 - 12, 2007
1. Josef Zabransky - 12.8.2007
referee - Mir. Ponert
10.35 hours 3 y/b
2007-KCHT-125; -126; -131
2. Vaclav Gaudl - 11.8.2007
9.25 hours 4 y/b
2007-KCHT-233, -241, -249, 2007-CZ-A8584
3. Karel Czyz - 12.8.2007
referee - Alexander Szabo
5.25 hours 3 y/b
2007-KCHT-057; -058; -059
the kit forced down by rain
4. Mila Kvocka - 12.8.2007
1.05 hours 3 y/b
the kit forced down by rain
- Pavel Motyka
DQ fog
over 60 mins
- Frank Otta
DQ one bird missing / hawk attack

July 21 - 22, 2007
1. Karel Czyz - 21.7.2007
referee - Alexander Szabo
11.55 hours / hours 3 y/b
2007-KCHT-057, -058, -059
2. Pavel Motyka - 21.7.2007
referee - Radim Tobola
7.55 hours 3 y/b
2007-CZ-398, -389, -392

July 7 - 8, 2007
1. Vojta Prepiak - 8.7.2007
referee - Emil Horak
15.03 hours / hours 3 y/b
2007-CZ-A8247; -A8250; -B135
2. Frank Otta - 8.7.2007
referee - Pavel Hucík + Radek Muzny
12.19 hours 5 y/b
2007-DFU-2752; KCHT-008; -011; -016; -017
3. Pavel Motyka - 8.7.2007
referee - Radim Tobola
7.01 hours 5 y/b
2007-CZ-392; -399; -389; -382; -398
- Karel Czyz DQ hawk attack
- Mila Kvocka DQ hawk attack

June 16 - 17, 2007
1. Frank Otta - 17.6.2007
referee - Pavel Kouril
17.35 hours
June 17
Czech Record
flown to the NTU/DFU rules
2.1 o/b
2006-CZ-A8565; -A8573; -A8580
2. Frank Otta - 16.6.2007
referee - Jan Sedlak
14.35 hours
16. června / June 16
3 y/b
2007-KCHT-010; -014; -018
3. Josef Zabransky - 17.6.2007
referee - Mir. Ponert
12.50 hours 2.2 y/b
2007-KCHT-122; -124; -125; -126
4. Vaclav Malaska - 16.6.2007
referee - Josef Biros
11.55 hours 5.0 o/b
2006-CZ-4350; -4343; -4361; -4356; -4362; -4352
5. Karel Czyz - 16.6.2007
referee - Alexander Szabo
11.05 hours 0.3 o/b
2006-CZ-8774; -8776; 2006-TUA-703
6. Josef Vesely - 16.6.2007
honor system
11.05 hours 0.5 o/b
2005-CZ-4116; -8940; 2006-CZ-9789; -9729; -9744
7. Pavel Motyka - 17.6.2007
honor system
6.23 hours 3 y/b
2007-CZ-A383; -A391; -A389
- Vojta Prepiak DQ - hawk attack it would have been 16.15 if all birds returned - A GREAT PITTY !!!
- Mila Kvocka DQ - hawk attack at the comp. outset - SMŮLA !!!

May 19 - 20, 2007
1. Frank Otta - 20.5.2007
honour system
15.25 hours 3 o/b
2006-CZ-A8581; -A8565; -G0652
2. Vojtech Prepiak - 20.5.2007
referee - Emil Horak
13.22 hours 3 o/b
2005-CZ-C9133; -A3643; -B6418
3. Karel Czyž - 19.5.2007
referee - Alex. Szabo
10.28 hours 3 o/b
2006-TUA-703; 2006-CZ-8774; -8776
- Mila Kvocka - 20.5.2007 DQ hawk attack

April 21 - 22, 2007
1. Frank Otta - 22.4.2007
honour system
12.15 hours 2.1 o/b
2006-CZ-A8581; -A8565; -G0652
2. Karel Czyž - 21.4.2007
referee - Alex. Szabo
7.32 hours 0.3 o/b
2006-TUA-703; 2006-CZ-8774; -8776;



April 22 - 23, 2006
1. David Strossmayer 17.00 hours
Israeli record
3 old birds
2. Frank Otta 10.20 hours 3 old birds

May 20 - 21, 2006
1. Frank Otta 12.01 hours 3 old birds
2. David Strossmayer DQ 3 young birds

June 18 - 19, 2006
1. Frank Otta 13.40 hours 4 young birds
2. David Strossmayer DQ 3 young birds

July 1 - 2, 2006
1. Frank Otta 15.08 hours 3 young birds
2. David Strossmayer on vacation N/A

July 15 - 16, 2006
- Frank Otta on vacation N/A
- David Strossmayer on vacation N/A

August 15 - 16, 2006
- David Strossmayer on vacation N/A
- Frank Otta DQ N/A

September 2 - 3, 2006
1. Frank Otta 2.13 hours 3 young birds
- David Strossmayer on vacation N/A



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